Prosody X PCI Express R1 Card – Installation Guide
These instructions for use assume that the various elements are being
assembled and integrated into a system by someone competent in such matters
and do not constitute an alternative for such competence.
Uses of the Prosody X PCI Express card
The Prosody X PCI Express card is a plug-in card suitable for use in many different
types of PCI Express compatible computers. It provides a platform in which to carry
out a range of functions.
Computer Telephony Bus
The H.100 (CT bus) expansion interface enables connectivity within the same chassis
between various kinds of H.100 compatible PCI Express or PCI based speech and
data products from different vendors. This provides scalability within a host system.
The Prosody X PCI Express card is a highly integrated Computer Telephony
component. By combining TDM and IP digital access, and the media processing
capabilities of Prosody, Aculab has produced a high capacity, scaleable single slot
CT component.
The Prosody X PCI Express card contains a digital switch matrix that allows arbitrarily
switched interconnection between up to 120 channels on an E1-network, up to 92
channels on a T1-network and up to 4096 speech paths (timeslots or channels) on
the H.100 CT expansion bus. The H.100 CT expansion bus supports connection to
other H.100 compliant devices.
The Prosody X PCI Express card is always controlled via a Media Access Controller
(MAC) and its associated device driver. The user can choose to control the card via
an on-board host MAC which is accessed over the PCI Express bus, or any off-board
MAC either in the same host system or a separate host system. This provides
flexibility in system design as the card does not have to be installed in the same
system as the host that runs the application software. This in turn can provide
scalability outside of the host system, if the application requires a distributed
architecture. Note that in this case the control traffic will share an Ethernet interface
with any VoIP traffic passing through the card.
If the host MAC on the Prosody X PCI Express card is used then the device driver is
supplied by Aculab. If connection is via a regular Network Interface Card (NIC) or
integral to a motherboard then the device driver is simply the one already in use for
that product. Aculab provides libraries and associated device drivers for a range of
operating systems. Please contact Aculab for information on availability.
External Ethernet Connector
The Prosody X PCI Express card may be connected to a standard 100BaseT
Ethernet LAN, allowing various functions including media processing for IP Telephony
and control of the card from a remote host.
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