maintenance 1
Remove mast door.
Switch on installation check for any failed LEDs.
Isolate the mast electrically.
Remove Winch cover (if fitted).
Examine winch attachment to the mast for security.
Where required, check Winch oil level and condition of oil (replenish if necessary
before operating Winch).
If design permits, remove the Winch gear cover; inspect the gear teeth for wear.
Inspect Wire Rope anchorage point on Winch drum.
Inspect rope lay on Winch drum(s) and visible rope for frays, kinks and corrosion.
10 Inspect rope stops, Cable clamps, bobbin and chain (double drum winches) and
ensure they are secure and correctly positioned.
11 Inspect Compensating Pulley and ensure it is sound, secure and in the correct
position (single drum Winch only).
12 Inspect Security connector from Compensating Pulley (if fitted).
13 Inspect all visible Wire Rope terminations.
14 Inspect Winch- locking device and ensure that it engages and operates correctly.
15 Disconnect the electrical plug and socket. Check condition.
16 Check power Cable(s) are securely clamped at attachment to Wire Ropes.
17 Connect trailing lead(s), if applicable, to power Cable(s) and check clamping at all
plug and sockets.
18. Lower Lantern carriage (See note 1).
19 Ensure that no undue wear is evident in the Winch mechanism.
20 Inspect the Wire Rope as it pays off the Winch for frays, kinks, corrosion, damage
and deterioration.