The ActSafe Portable Power Supply is only
to be used in conjunction with the ACCII
Power Ascender.
The Power Supply must not be used
in any of the following circumstances:
For any use other than that for which
it has been designed
In an explosive environment
In a wet environment
If modified in any way by anyone other
than ActSafe Systems
After a free fall from any height greater
than 1m onto a hard surface
If subjected to misuse in any way
as parts or components may have
been damaged.
Do not:
Use the Power Supply to charge
any batteries
Open the Power Supply under
any circumstances
Use any parts that are not original/
supplied by ActSafe
Read the manual carefully and ensure
that you have understood its contents.
Not following these instructions carefully
may result in serious injury or death.
If unclear of the condition of the Power
Supply, it must be inspected by ActSafe
Systems or an ActSafe approved distributor.
Actsafe_Power_Supply_Manual_vAW_v3.indd 5
07/04/2015 14:14