This manual is intended for use with the ActSafe
Portable Power Supply which is only to be used
in combination with the ActSafe ACCII Power
Ascender. It must be read in conjunction with
the existing ACCII manual.
ActSafe Systems AB, our partners and
subsidiaries disclaim any liability for damages,
injuries or death resulting from the use or misuse
of an ActSafe Portable Power Supply.
As ActSafe Systems AB has no control over
the use of this equipment; the person using this
equipment assumes all risk of damage, injuries
or death resulting from such use. It is expressly
understood and agreed by the buyer, or any
subsequent user of the ActSafe Portable Power
Supply, that ActSafe Systems AB and/or the
seller cannot be held liable or accountable for
damages, injuries or death resulting from the
use of the ActSafe Portable Power Supply, and
makes no warranty, either expressed or implied,
or otherwise, beyond that expressed herein.
ActSafe Systems AB disclaims any liability
in tort for damages or direct or consequential
personal injuries or death resulting from
a malfunction or from a defect in design,
manufacturing, materials or workmanship,
whether caused by negligence on the part
of ActSafe Systems AB or otherwise.
ActSafe expressly disclaims liability for errors
or omissions in this information and materials.
This information may be subject to change
without notification.
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07/04/2015 14:14