User space
The fourth bytes contain the ASCII text "IPAC". This clearly identifies the ROM
The manufacturer code identifies ACTIS IP.
The CIO-32 device is defined by the module type byte.
The next byte identifies the IP revision, in accordance with the following
ASCII car.
hex. value
"_" (space)
"A", "B", ...
$41, $42, ...
The byte $0F is reserved for future extension.
The byte $11 and $13 allows identification of the IP software driver.
The number of bytes used in the identification space is stored at the address $15.
To verify the identification data integrity, the byte $17 contains a 8-bit Checksum
Redundant Code (CRC). This CRC covers only the number of identification codes set
by the manufacturer. The CRC used is an industry standard. It's the low 8-bit of the
FCS as described in CCITT T.30 (Fascicle VII.3) section 5.3.7.
The next bytes $19 to $3F are free for user data storage.
3.5. MEM space
As 2 kByte memory device is present on the board and only 64 Byte are used for
identification space, the rest is mapped into the IP memory space.
The first usable address of this memory is $40.
A minimum time of 2 ms must be asserted between the last write and the next read
cycle to guarantee the correct data writing. If a read cycle is produced before the
achievement of the previous writing, the data bus D7 provides an inverted value of the
last data loaded.
A minimum time of 2 ms must be asserted between the reset and the first write cycle.
Note: only IP carrier asserting no hold cycle can access this space.
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