А1020 MIRA Lite Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Tomograph
Operation Manual
The continuous inspection is done when a certain area of the surface of the inspected object must be thoroughly examined;
along with the possibility of constructing the object model and recording all retrieved data. The continuous inspection takes
more time. This procedure requires a corresponding marking of the inspected object with a required step.
Prior to continuous inspection check the operation of the tomograph by performing a local inspection to verify that the
given object can be inspected.
2.4.1 Performing a local inspection
The REVIEW mode is used for a local inspection. The antenna array shall be installed in the required place of the surface of
the inspected object, and the sounding button shall be pressed. Further carefully study the received sectional image and draw a
conclusion from it whether the retrieved data are enough for taking a decision. Or, select another position for the antenna array
to receive more accurate information. The data received in this inspection mode are recorded automatically. Hence, the operator
shall record them manually, if required, as separate frames. You can view the saved data in the REVIEW mode.
After all information that is needed to make a decision is obtained, the operation in this mode can be finished.
2.4.2 Performing a continuous inspection
The MAP mode is used for a continuous inspection.
Place the antenna array into a position marked as the first one for the inspected object and press the sounding key. Further,
the antenna array is placed into the next position. The current marked section is inspected this way. Inspect all marked sections
like that.
The operator can only make preliminary conclusions about the object based on the images displayed on the screen. The
final conclusions are made using the PC after all required data are obtained.