Max Time on Clock - The Time Q assumes that an employee has missed a punch after
the maximum time on the clock has been exceeded.
• Pay Interval Round - One minute is the smallest increment of time used to calculate
time worked totals. Options are 1, 5, 6, 10 or 15 minutes.
• Pay Period - The length of time during which time worked totals will accumulate for a
• Next Pay Period Start Date - The date the NEXT pay period will start.
• Day Change Time - By default, the day change time — the time a new day begins — is
set at midnight. Use the day change offset feature to move the day change time forward
or backward from midnight so that time worked totals will be credited to the day
• Daily Overtime After - The amount of time worked in a day, after which, overtime will
begin to accumulate. NOTE: Leave at 24 hours if you pay overtime based on a 40 hour
week only. This can be set to two different levels.
• Weekly Overtime After - The amount of time worked in a week, after which, overtime
will begin to accumulate. Weekly overtime does not apply to semimonthly or monthly
pay periods. This can be set to two different levels.
• 7th Day Overtime - Disabled. When enabled, forces all hours worked on the 7th
consecutive worked day of a pay period to be promoted to the next highest pay level
(Overtime 1 or Overtime 2) provided that the seven consecutive days start at the
beginning of the first or second week of the weekly or biweekly pay period.
• Daylight Savings Time - Enabled, the Time Q will automatically assign the first
Sunday in April and last Sunday in October as the beginning and ending dates of daylight
savings (current U.S. law). The time change will occur at 2:00 a.m.
• Time Q Printer - Printed reports may be directed to either the parallel port (the large
external port on the right) or to the serial port (the internal modular connector labeled RS-
• Com Port Baud Rate - When the serial port is selected, the baud rate must be entered. 8
bit words, no parity and 1 stop bit are assumed.
• Supervisor Badges - Lists additional badges assigned as supervisor badges.
• Shift Start Time - The time of day employees are to begin work.
• Shift Round - The minutes before the Start Time or after the Stop Time during which
employee punches will be treated as if they had occurred exactly on the Start and Stop
• Shift Grace - The minutes after the Start Time or before the Stop Time during which
employee punches will be treated as if they had occurred exactly on the Start and Stop
• Shift Dock - The minimum minutes the employee will lose from time worked totals if
punching in after the Start Time (plus grace) or before the Stop Time (minus grace).
• Shift Stop Time - The time of day employees can stop working.
• Lunch Start Time - The earliest time of day at which an employee can punch out for
• Lunch Stop Time - The latest time of day at which an employee should punch back in
from lunch.
• Lunch Duration - The number of minutes for lunch which will be subtracted from time
worked totals.
• Auto Lunch After - After this number of hours and minutes following an in-punch, the
Time Q will assume an employee has taken lunch. The Lunch Duration will then be
subtracted from the time worked totals.
Factory Settings
Summary of Contents for Time Q
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