User's Manual | ACOM 700S | 1.8-54 MHz Linear Amplifier
Page 42 of 52 | S e c t i o n MAINTENANCE
May 2021
Do not use any solvents for cleaning. They may be dangerous to you and damage
amplifier surfaces, paint and plastic components.
Do not open the amplifier. Cleaning of the amplifier outer surfaces can be done with a piece of soft cotton
cloth lightly moistened with clean water.
Also, clean (as much as possible from the outside, without opening the amplifier) all ventilation apertures
on the cover and the chassis, including the ones on the bottom.
Never push or put anything into holes in the case - this will cause electric shock.
Fuse Replacement
If replacement of fuses is necessary, first pull out the amplifier mains plug from the
mains outlet and wait for at least 3 minutes!
For replacement, only use standard fuses from the types recommended below.
The two Primary Mains Fuses of the amplifier are located on the rear panel (see
). They are fuses of the "F" type (fast-acting / quick-acting / quick blow), European size 5x20
mm, ceramic (or glass) body cartridge.
The fuses must be rated for a current corresponding to your mains nominal voltage:
10 A / 250 V for operation from 200-240 VAC;
/ 250 V for operation from 100-120 VAC.
Suitable 10 A fuse is:
Littelfuse, PN: 0217010.H (glass body cartridge);
This fuse can be ordered from:
- DigiKey (www.digikey.com), PN: 0217010.MXBP-ND;
- Farnell (www.farnell.com), PN: 1191761;
- Mouser (www.mouser.com), PN: 576-0217010.