Machine Settings
The settings in this screen are personal
preferences in the display and usage of
the machine.
If enabled, the printer plays a sound to alert you that the Diplo has started
Play sound when
the print starts:
Movement protection mode locks the printer so that the build platform
holds the vat tight. This way, you can move the printer without risk of
damaging your vat or build platform. Press this button to start movement
protection mode.
Movement protection:
Date and time:
Tap any of the settings in this dialog up and down to change your month,
day, year, and time.
Firmware version:
The currently installed version of the Diplo firmware.
Machine ID:
The unique ID for this Diplo. This is not the same as the serial number, which is
affixed to the back fan side of the Diplo.
Storage used:
The Diplo has 4 GB of on-board storage. About 2 GB of that storage is dedicated
to the Diplo firmware and logs. If your storage is nearly full, go to
remove some print files.
View your machine information,
update your firmware, or reset your
settings from this screen.
Diplo User Manual
Always enable movement protection mode before moving the Diplo if the build platform and vat are attached.