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6.2.3 Creating links with an editor
In contrast to link files created by PC-based Windows OSs, link files from Windows CE are text files only.
This allows you to create new link files with an editor or change existing link files. On Windows CE devices,
WordPad can be used for this purpose, or any text editor (e.g. NotePad) program on a PC.
The only requirement is that the suitable format is used.
Number of characters
behind the separator
Define folder or program
Optionally with arguments for programs
28#\Windows\repllog.exe /remote
When you edit links you have created manually on the Windows CE device, certain special characters must
be used. They can be deleted before you save the links. The links will still function.
6.2.4 Restoring links on device boot
The \Windows\Desktop and \Windows\Programs folders contain links on the desktop or in the start menu on
Windows CE devices.
Some of these link files are imported into the RAM file system when the kernel is booted.
However links that have been created afterwards in the RAM file system, they will not be restored the next
time the device is switched on.
In this case, the solution is to save the links you have created on the desktop or in the start menu under
\Flashdisk and then copy these links to the \Windows\Desktop and \Windows\Programs folders on booting.
All files are then copied to \flashdisk\system\WinAddon recursively into the \Windows folder. This means that
Links for the desktop are stored in the \Flashdisk\System\WinAddon\Desktop folder and
Links for the start menu are stored in the \Flashdisk\System\WinAddon\Programs folder.
A complete sequence of links are also stored in the \Flashdisk\System\Lnk folder in case they are required
for use.