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5.8 RFID
A RFID module is integrated in some ACD Windows CE devices.
It supports the recognition and data exchange of transponder cards from the Mifare family (ISO 14443A, not
DesFire) with a storage capacity of up to 4 KB.
The RFID module can also identify as well as read and write transponder cards from the ICode SLI family
(ISO 15693) with 128 bytes and the ICode EPC (17 bytes) and ICode UID (24 bytes) families.
It also supports the recognition of serial numbers from Hitag1 transponders as well as the recognition and
definition of EPC UHF Gen 2 transponder cards with a capacity of 96 bits (12 bytes) and other capacities
(e.g. 6 bytes).
5.8.1 RFID types
Depending on how the device is to be used, different types of RFID readers can be integrated into a mobile
5.8.2 How to use the RFID module
Application developers can directly use RFID-API in the RFIDApi.dll. It is available from ACD.
This DLL is integrated into the application and allows the communication of the master Windows application
with the RFID read / write device.
The Block Framing Protocol (BFP, transponder cards: Mifare, Sli, Epc, Uid, Hitag1) is used as the protocol.
The EPC UHF Gen 2 card family uses its own communication protocol between the master Windows
application and the RFID read / write device.
5.8.3 Sequence programming with DLL RFIDApi
The DLL RFIDApi.dll supports a variety of functions for data exchange between a CE / Windows 32
application and a RFID read / write device. These functions must be called up by following a precise
RFID application
Reader 1
Mifare / ICode / Epc, Uid
7 cm range)
Reader 2
125 kHz,
3-4 cm range)
Reader 3
EPC Gen 2
30 cm-1 m range)