V: 1.0 Revised: Aug. 2017
Chapter 4: Functions and Software
⚫ Open the Windows Start menu.
⚫ Right click on Computer and select Properties.
⚫ In the window that appears, select Device Manager from the left navigation panel.
⚫ In the Device Manager window, double click on Ports (COM & LPT) from the dropdown list.
⚫ Locate the USB Serial Port(COMx) information where x is the port number to use.
Select the baud rate and parity of the meter and enter the device address. Click OK to connect
the AcuRev 1312 to the software.
4.3.1 Real-time Readings
Upon successful connection, users will see readings appear in blue font beside each measure-
ment parameter as shown in Figure 4.3.2
All meter measurements can be read from the Utility software under the “Readings” menu.
Figure 4.3.2