3=Off while dialing, on until carrier detected
7 Bit 4, 5, 6: Result code option
0=X0 response set
4=X1 response set
5=X2 response set
6=X3 response set
7=X4 response set
23 1 Bit 0: Grant Remote Digital Loopback request,
0= Not allowed
1= RDL allowed
3 Bit 1, 2, 3: DTE rate
0=0 to 300bps
2=1200 bps
3=2400 bps (Default)
4=4800 bps
5=9600 bps
6=19200 bps
7=38400 bps
3 Bit 4, 5: DTE parity, 0=Even, 1=Space, 2=Odd, 3=Mark or None
0 Bit 6, 7: Guard tone, 0=None, 1=None, 2=1800 Hz
24 0 Sleep inactivity timer, 0-255 seconds
25 5 Data Terminal Ready delay, 0-255 with 10 msec in unit
27 0 Bit 6: CCITT/BELL Mode Select (Bn)
0=CCITT Mode (B0; Default)
1=BELL Mode (B1)
28 0 Bit 3, 4: Pulse dialing (&Pn)
0=39/61 ratio at 10 pps (&P0; Default)
1=33/67 ratio at 10 pps (&P1)
2=39/61 ratio at 20 pps (&P2)
3=39/67 ratio at 20 pps (&P3)
0 Bit 6, 7: MNP link speed (*Hn)
0= Highest speed (*H0; Default)
1= 1200bps (*H1)
2= 4800ps (*H2)
29 0 Flash dial modifier time, 0-255 with 10 msec in unit,
0=disabled (Default)
30 0 Disconnect inactivity timer, 0-255 with 10 seconds in unit,
0=disabled (Default)
31 1 Bit 1: Auto line speed detection (Nn)
0=Disabled (N0)
1=Enabled (N1)
0 Bit 2, 3: Error correction progress messages (Wn)
0=DTE Speed Only (W0; Default)
1=Full Reporting (W1)
2=DCE speed only (W2)
32 17 XON Character, 0-255 ASCII decimal
33 19 XOFF Character, 0-255 ASCII decimal
36 7 LAPM Failure Control,
0=Modem hangs up
1=Modem stays on-line, direct mode
3=Modem stays on-line, normal mode
4=Try V.42 connection. Hang up if fails
5=Try V.42 connection. Direct mode if fails
7=Try V.42 connection. Normal mode if fails (Default)
37 0 Desired line connection speed,
0=Auto-detect mode (Default)
5=V.22 1200bps