Copyright © Access-IS 2021
3. Read a document
The OCR reader and MSR operate with a broad range of swipe speeds and in any direction.
To maintain data integrity, very fast swipe speeds are ignored completely. Swipe speeds slightly
exceeding the maximum allowed by the AKB500 series keyboard result in a bad read message of
30 '*' characters, a red light indication from the LED and three beeps from the sounder.
To use the OCR or MSR facility, use the following procedure:
1. Insert the document at either end of the slot, orientated with the OCR or MSR data to be read
facing the operator.
Swipe from right to left, or left to right.
2. Continue the swipe, at a steady speed, along the slot.
3. Ensure that the swipe action continues to the end of the slot before lifting the document.