Handheld pulse oximeter user’s manual
When the indicating lamp on the oximeter turns off, the
battery is fully charged.
7.4 Optimizing Battery Performance
A batteries need to be run through at least two optimizing
cycles when they are put into use for the first time. A battery
optimizing cycle is one complete, uninterrupted charge of the
battery, followed by a complete, uninterrupted discharge of
the battery. A battery should be conditioned with this method
regularly, to maintain its useful life. Condition a battery once
when it has been used or stored for two months, or when its
run time becomes noticeably shorter.
To optimize a battery, follow this procedure:
1. Disconnect the oximeter from the patient and stop all
monitoring and measuring procedures.
2. Place the battery in need of optimizing into the battery
compartment of the oximeter.
3. Place the oximeter in the charger stand and connect it to
the AC mains. Allow the battery to charge uninterrupted
for more than 4 hours.