Press the Tamper-button 3 times within 1.5
seconds and the Status-LED on the base unit
front will flash 3 times
The App will show if the Add device process
was successful and the Status-LED will turn
Repeat the inclusion process from step B if it
was not successful.
4.2. Mounting & Installation
Test the release behaviour at the desired
mounting position in advance.
The magnet should be mounted no more than
15 mm from the sensor.
Do not mount the detector...
...on or near metal surfaces!
...in close proximity (< 1m) to gas, water and
power lines!
...near electrical devices e.g. PC, copier or
other transmitters
Installation site:
Optimum mounting location for the door,
window contact is the upper corner of your
window or door frame.
Remove the adhesive strip cover from the
sensor and magnets and attach it to the
desired mounting position.
The magnet can be mounted to the right or
left of the sensor.