2.6. Behavior Bypass button
If the bypass button is pressed briefly once when closed, the bypass function is active. In this case, the
next opening of the door/window is not sent as an opening alarm for the next 5 minutes.
If the door or window is closed within the 5 minutes, the bypass function is reset and the next
opening is reported again.
If the door or window is still open after 5 minutes, the opening detector emits an opening alarm.
The bypass function can be deactivated via the parameter setting.
Scene control
The Bypass button can distinguish between four different button presses
1. Press 1x briefly
2. Press 2x briefly
3. Long pressure (Longer than one second)
4. Release the key (only applies if the key is pressed "Long press")
The different key presses can be used for different alarms (medical shear or panic alarm), but also for
scene and home automation control.