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3/14 - Installation instructions for an automatic safety cover
1. Assembling the slats
Special care needs to be taken when handling the
slats. Shearing can cause irreparable damage to the
caps. This is why they must not be assembled by
1.1 Placing the slats on the water
Fig. 1
1.1.1 Transfer the slats directly from the container to
the pool water avoiding all mechanical contacts.
Prevent the slats from rubbing against the ground.
1.1.2 Place the packets of slats directly onto the water,
curved side towards the sky and the double male
hook on the side opposite the roller. Place the
specific groups of slats (the group fitted with straps
to hook to the shaft on the roller side, the group
fitted with the other anti-lifting mechanisms on the
side opposite the roller, and the slats for the stairs).
Fig. 1
1.2 Assembling the slats
1.2.1 Clipped slats
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Assemble the slats by clipping them together by
inserting the double male hook into the female part
of the preceding slat and then by pushing the slats
up into a "V" shape towards the sky.
Make oscillating movements in order to cause click-
fitting along the whole length of the slat.
Fig. 3
1.2.2 Sliding slats
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Use the sliding assembly technique by inserting
the male hook into the female part of the previous
slat. To do this, prise the female part open using a
screwdriver and then insert the male part and slide
the slat into position.
Fig. 5
This assembly method requires having enough
space at the pool side to slide the slats.
1.3 Adjusting the number of slats
Fig. 6
Only keep the slats needed to cover the entire
surface of the water when joined in the pool, any
extra slats should be put away.
Fig. 6