Ap1200 Users’ Guide Page 4 of 14
The European Union (EU) has introduced laws covering Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC). This
section defines our current view of this law, as it relates to the Ap1200.
ABLE Systems believes that the Ap1200 is exempt from this law because:
It is a component, designed for building into other products, AND
it cannot be used without additional support, AND
it does not contain a power supply
Responsibility for EMC compliance rests with the System Integrator.
However, to aid system integrators, ABLE Systems has carried out fully traceable EMC testing and a
copy of a test certificate may be provided on request. If installed according to the recommendations
in this User Guide, the Ap1200 will not compromise the EMC performance of host equipment.
The Ap1200 must be installed using cables of length 3m or less.
The Ap1200 will be likely to satisfy EMC regulations when built into other products because; -
It is electro-magnetically quite moderate, AND
It can be connected to an internal data source / power supply, AND
It is fitted with an earthing wire.
Customers should ensure that there is a sound earth connection to the panel clamp, and the data and
power connections are enclosed by the equipment they are mounted in and are no more than 3m
This product contains moving parts. Keep clothing and hair away from this product.
Before handling the printer, or even opening the
doors, users must ensure that they are properly
discharged to earth.
Do not apply mains voltage power to this product
Ensure you understand the section on power supplies before
using this product. If in doubt refer to ABLE Systems for advice.