The different types are:
air resistance
Magnetic resistance
Fluid resistance
Air + magnetic resistance
Hydraulic resistance
Here's what maintenance is specific to these types.
Air resistance
Many rowing machines use air resistance. That means you're basically spinning a fan with
your rowing. This is simple and effective. There is not too much going wrong, the only
problem is that the fan can get quite dirty and dusty. If you regularly clean the air filters (if
it has), fan blades and other dirty areas, your rower will operate smoothly and extend its
service life.
Usually it involves removing the cover around the fan and cleaning all the dirty areas with
a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.
Magnetic resistance
Magnetic resistance transgressions are closed so much less dust and dirt can get it. Over
time, some dust will still accumulate. If you think there is too much dust in there, you can
go through the same process as for a rowing machine with air resistance.
Fluid resistance
This type is usually filled with water. Water-filled containers will be susceptible to the fact
that algae will appear. To prevent this, you can change the water regularly and clean out
the reservoir when doing this. It is also advisable to put some water treatment tablets in it
so that you do not have to clean it so often. Such tablets can be purchased at many
different retailers.
Air + magnetic resistance
This is a combination of air and magnetic resistance. Just look at the two points of the
specific maintenance points for these types of rowers.
Hydraulic resistance
Hydraulic resistors have hydraulic pistons/dampers that provide resistance when using it.
There are more turning points on a hydraulic rower than most other types. This means
more chances to develop a sound. If you regularly lubricate these moving joints, the
chances of this happening are reduced.
The actual part of the hydraulic rower that creates resistance, the piston, can leak
sometimes. There is no maintenance to be done on the piston. If it leaks, replace it. You
will probably feel that the resistance is lower when this happens. It is a good idea to check
regularly for signs of leakage. Temperature can also affect the resistance as the oil inside
the piston is affected by this.