The below provides some information on how you can factor the Glucose Trend
Arrow into your treatment decisions. Remember that you should never make a
treatment decision based on the Glucose Trend Arrow alone.
Treatment Decision Considerations for Glucose Trend Arrow:
Low Glucose (< 70 mg/dL): Treat low glucose according to your health care
professional’s recommendation.
Glucose in Target Range: If you are about to eat, take insulin to cover your meal.
Consider taking a little more since glucose is rising quickly.
If you have taken insulin recently, do nothing and check again later.
Avoid “insulin stacking”.
High Glucose (> 250 mg/dL): If you are about to eat, take insulin to cover your
meal. Consider taking a little more since glucose is high and rising quickly.
If this is between meals, consider taking an insulin correction dose, unless you
have taken insulin recently. If you have taken insulin recently, do nothing and
check again later.
Avoid “insulin stacking”.
Treatment Decision Considerations for Glucose Trend Arrow:
Low Glucose (< 70 mg/dL): Treat low glucose according to your health care
professional’s recommendation.
Glucose in Target Range: If you are about to eat, take insulin to cover your meal.
Consider taking a little more since glucose is rising.
If you have taken insulin recently, do nothing and check again later.
Avoid “insulin stacking”.
High Glucose (> 250 mg/dL): If you are about to eat, take insulin to cover your
meal. Consider taking a little more since glucose is high and rising.
If this is between meals, consider taking an insulin correction dose, unless you
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