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The “Sit” Command

The “Come” Command

The “Stay” Command

Jumping Up


Dog Training Collar Introduction

Yes, the receiver collar is waterproof, but

the remote is not waterproof.


Whether you are training a companion dog, a hunting dog or a dog 

athlete, we generally want to attain the same results: we want our pets to 

be happy and safe. We also want them to respond to commands timely 

even when at a distance and in the presence of distractions. 

The ABBIDOT Dog Training Collar is a powerful training tool that can help 

you attain these results. 

The ABBIDOT electronic training collar (e-collar) is a safe, reliable and 

effective training tool. With it, you can make timely corrections to your 

dog’s behavior — even at a distance. 

Thanks to the collar’s adjustable levels, you get to match the intensity of 

stimulation to your dog’s temperament and the distraction level of the 

moment for maximum training efficiency. 

With that, correcting unwanted behaviors is only a fraction of you can do 

with your new e-collar.

In fact, the ABBIDOT e-collar can be a powerful tool for encouraging 

desired behavior. But first, you need to identify the right e-collar settings 

for your dog: the one that is high enough to be noticed but not so high as 

to be disruptive. 

The next step would be for your dog to control the “behavior” of the 

collar with their actions. 

You may soon find that these methods of e-collar training are actually 

gentler than many traditional leash-training methods. E-collar training can 

improve communication with your pet by providing instant feedback to 

your dog during training. This reduces confusion, fosters a positive 

training attitude and accelerates learning, rapidly producing off-leash 


Even if your dog already knows the basic obedience commands, follow 

the procedures given. Your dog must learn how to respond to the e-collar 

for each command before you can use your ABBIDOT collar for training at 

a distance.

1. Put a separate, non-metallic collar on your pet’s neck ABOVE the 

e-collar and attach a 10-foot leash. Note: be sure the extra collar does not 

put pressure on the contact points.

2. Hold the leash and the remote in one hand. Keep your other hand free 

to guide your pet into a “Sit” position.

3. Press and hold the [S] button, starting at your pet’s Recognition Level.

4. Immediately give the “Sit” command while continuing to hold the [S] 


5. Release the [S] button as soon as your pet is in position and praise him.

6. Release your pet from the “Sit” command and play.

7. Repeat Steps 2 through 6.

1. Put a separate, non-metallic collar on

your pet’s neck ABOVE the collar 

and attach a 10-foot leash.

Note: be sure the extra collar does not

put pressure on the contact points.

2. Hold the leash in one hand and the 

remote in the other.

3. Wait for your pet to walk away from

you. Using the Recognition Level for your

pet, press and hold the [S] button on

your remote.

4. Immediately give the command 

“Come” while continuing to hold the [S] 


5. Using the leash, gently guide your pet

toward you until they begin to come in 

your direction.

6. Immediately release the

[S] button as soon as your pet steps

towards you and praise them enthusiasti-


7. Quickly move backwards as your pet begins to come back to you praising 

him the entire time.

8. Praise your pet when he returns to you.

9. Repeat Steps 3 through 8.

10. Once your pet has responded readily to the “Come” command several 

times, back away from him without giving a command. When your pet 

turns toward you, give the “Come” command (WITHOUT STIMULATION) 

and praise them while you continue to back up. Praise your pet when he 

returns to you.

11. Use your leash to prevent your pet from running past you. If your pet 

manages to run past you, repeat Steps 3 through 8.

1. Put a separate, non-metallic collar on your pet’s neck ABOVE the collar 

and attach a 10-foot leash. Note: be sure the extra collar does not put 

pressure on the contact points.

2. Put your pet on his bed or on a cooling mat. Hold your leash in one hand 

and the remote in the other.

3. Staying within 3 feet, walk the perimeter of the bed. Do not say anything 

to your pet. 

4. If your pet tries to leave the bed, press and hold the [S] button and give 

the “Stay” command. Continue to hold the button until your pet is back on 

their bed. If necessary, use the leash to guide your pet onto their place.

5. Praise your pet when they are back on their bed. You are welcome to 

use treats.

6. Once your pet has settled for a few seconds, release him and play 


7. Repeat steps 1 through 5.

Pets typically jump up to get attention. If you do not want your pet to 

jump on you, then friends or members of the family should not 

encourage this behavior as well. This means that every time your pet 

jumps on someone, they should be reprimanded or redirected to an 

alternate and acceptable behavior, for which they can receive praise.

It is important to first understand why your pet is digging. Many dogs like 

terriers, were bred to flush out prey and digging is very natural to them.

Other dogs may be digging to find a cool spot to lay down or simply out of 


Your pet may no longer have the desire to dig if they are is provided with 

the following:

A cool, shaded area in which to lay down, and plenty of water.

An alternate activity, such as a favorite toy.

Plenty of play, exercise, and attention.

A yard free from rodents or prey that your dog may be trying to find.

1. On the remote, select your pet’s Recognition Level.

2. As soon as your pet lifts a paw off the ground to jump on you, press the

[S] button and give the “Sit” command.

3. Release the [S] button immediately once your pet is sitting, and 

verbally praise them.

4. If your pet ignores the stimulation, increase the Intensity Level. 

5. Practice this exercise in several different areas and use different people 

for distractions.

1. Choose the intensity level that is one level above your pet’s Recognition 


2. Place the collar on your pet and wait at least 10 minutes before letting 

them out in the yard. No other people or pets should be in the yard, as you 

do not want your pet to associate the stimulation with anything other than 

digging. Your pet must be securely fenced in or contained during training.

3. From a window or area where your pet cannot see you, wait until your pet

begins to dig.

4. As your pet starts digging, press the [S] button and release it when the 

digging stops. Only press the button while your pet is in the act of digging 

and do not say anything.

5. If your pet ignores the stimulation, increase the Intensity Level.

6. Continue to watch your pet as they may choose another area to dig.

7. Do not allow your pet in the yard unsupervised until the digging has 

stopped completely.

Note: if your pet breaks the “Sit” command, repeat steps 3 through 6. 

Keep your pet close to you while teaching the “Sit” command.

Note: it is best if your pet first understands the “Sit” command.

● The ABBIDOT Dog Training Collar is not designed  to be worn constantly. 

We strongly advise you to reserve collar usage to active training sessions. 

When you leave your dog unattended, make sure to take the collar off. 

● Most dogs will feel uncomfortable when wearing the collar for the first 

time. Don’t  use any commands until your dog has got used to the collar 

which will normally take several days.

● Eliminate one unwanted action or teach one obedience command at a 

time. If you move too quickly with the training, your dog may become 


● Be consistent with your training. Give your dog the same stimulation for 

each unwanted action. We suggest you to use Vibration Stimulation before 

starting the Static Shock Stimulation. If you follow this training method, 

your dog will learn that Static Shock Stimulation might come after 

Vibration. This way, the Vibration Stimulation alone can effectively to curb 

unwanted behavior of your dog.

● Do not over-correct. Use as little stimulation as possible to train your dog.

● Following a predefined scenario of all your training sessions  can 

dramatically improve your chances of success.

● Should your dog react to the training by hiding or acting fearfully, try to 

redirect their attention to a simple command such as “Speak” or “Sit” to 

calm them down. Use treats to help your dog understand what 

commands have been done correctly. 


Trash Raiding

Terms of Use

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

General Tips

Chasing is an instinctive behavior stimulated by moving objects. Some 

dogs have a particularly strong desire to chase that can put them in 

harm’s way and leave you helpless. Never allow your dog off the leash or 

out of a contained area until they have learned the “Come” command, 

regardless of the distraction. Be consistent and correct your dog every 

time they chase something.

CAUTION! It is vitally important that you and your dog remain safe while 

learning during on-leash training. Your dog should be on a strong leash, 

long enough for him to attempt to chase an object, but short enough for 

him not to reach a road or other unsafe area. You must also be physically 

strong to restrain your dog when they try to chase.

The easiest way to prevent trash raiding is to remove garbage and tempting 

food from your pet’s environment. You can use the e-collar to teach your 

pet to stay away from these items; however, you must be prepared to 

correct your pet every time they approach them.

The ABBIDOT Dog Training Collar can be used for puppies/cats/dogs 

weighing between 5 and 100 lbs. However, we do not recommend 

e-collar training for puppies under 6 months old. E-collar training is also 

not recommended if your pet is behaving aggressively. 

If you are unsure about whether this type of training is suitable for your 

pet, consult your veterinarian or a certified trainer. 

Proper use includes reviewing the entire User Manual and Dog Training 

Guide provided with this product. Pay extra attention to all the  Caution 


Once my pet’s training is 

complete, do I need to 

keep using the collar?

How long can I

continuously deliver 

Vibration or Shock 

stimulation to my pet?

What should I do if my

dog’s neck becomes red

and irritated?

It fully depends on your and your pet’s 

situation. You might need to reinforce the 

results of collar training from time to time. 

While the Vibration/Shock stimulation may 

be unpleasant, it is generally harmless to 

your pet when used correctly. However, 

your input as a trainer is essential in 

ensuring the safety of this process. 

Your pet should be able to recognize basic

obedience commands such as “Sit” or “Stay”.

Pets should be at least 6 months old before

you can use the training collar to train them.

The range of the remote may be affected 

by a number of factors like terrain, 

weather, vegetation, transmission from 

other radio devices and so on.

Probably not. You may need to reinforce 

training with the Receiver Collar from 

time to time.

No longer than 10 seconds for Vibration mode. 

No longer than 3 seconds for Static Shock 


IMPORTANT: while it is okay to use the

Vibration mode for up to 10 seconds, it is highly 

recommended to limit the continuous Static 

Shock stimulation to no more than 3 seconds 

(the smaller the dog the shorter the time)

Stop using the product immediately for at 

least 48 hours. If the condition persists 

beyond 48 hours, consult your veterinarian.

Can I attach a leash to

the e-collar?

No, this can result in pulling the contact 

points too tightly against your dog’s neck. Use 

a separate collar when needed.

How long can I leave the 

e-collar on my dog for?

How long can I 

continuously deliver 

vibration/Shock to 

my pet? 

The collar is not designed  to be worn 

continuously. We recommend your pet only 

wears the e-collar during training sessions or 

other outdoor activities.

The maximum amount of time you can press 

the Vibration/Shock Button and deliver

Vibration/Shock to your pet continuously is 

10 seconds. After this, there’s a time-out and

Vibration/Shock cannot be delivered for 5

seconds. After the 5 second time-out, you can 

press the button again to deliver 


How long should the

training session be?

Will I get exactly 1500 feet

of range with the collar’s 


Once my pet is trained and has 

been obeying my commands, 

will he have to continue to 

wear the Receiver Collar?

How old does my pet have 

to be for me to use the 

e-collar for training?

Is the Vibration/Shock

safe for my pet?

Is the e-collar waterproof?

Training sessions should be kept short and

positive (10-15 minutes).

This Product is designed for use with dogs and cats only. The ABBIDOT 

dog training collar is not intended to harm, injure or provoke. Using this 

product in a way that is not intended could result in violation of Federal, 

State or local laws.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, 

special or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising out 

of or connected with the use or misuse of this Product. Buyer assumes all 

risks and liability from the use of this Product.

Modification of Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to change the terms, conditions and notices under 

which this Product is offered.

1. If your dog has not learned the “Come” command, keep a leash on them 

so that you can physically stop them before they reach the object that is 

being chased.

2. Choose the intensity level that is one level above your pet’s Recognition 


3. Set up a scenario where your dog is enticed to chase an object. Common 

items could be cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. (do not use toys).

4. When the object passes in front of your dog, make sure to hold the leash 

with a firm grip. As soon as your dog begins to chase the object, press and 

hold the [S] button until they stop.

5. When your dog stops chasing the object, immediately release the button, 

walk backwards and give the “Come” command. Praise your dog as they 

come to you.

6. Repeat the process until your dog stops chasing the object.

1. Choose the intensity level that is one level above your dog’s Recognition Level. 

2. Pick a temptation for your pet and position yourself where they can’t see you. 

3. While your pet’s mouth is touching the temptation, press and hold the [S] 

button. Immediately release the button when your pet leaves the temptation.

4. Do not say anything, as you want your pet to associate the stimulation with 

their behavior, not you.

5. If your pet does not respond to the stimulation, increase the Intensity Level

by 1 level and repeat the process.

6. Repeat this process in several different locations with different temptations.





[email protected]












Summary of Contents for T30

Page 1: ...User Manual 0 3 0 02 T30010 24 01 T30 E collar ...

Page 2: ...ent overused or treated as an one fit all solution They are the most effective at the very start of the training process and when showing your pet the danger of certain behaviors like crossing the road or picking up food on the street We strongly recommend focusing on reward training and making positive reinforcement the base of your training routine Your pet s safety and well being should always st...

Page 3: ...he Second Collar With the Remote 09 How To Find The Best Stimulation Level For Your Pet 10 Device Information 11 Troubleshooting Guide 12 Dog Training Guide 13 Teaching Basic Obedience 14 The Come Command 15 The Stay Command 16 Eliminating Unwanted Behavior 17 Jumping Up 17 Digging 18 Chasing 19 Trash Raiding 20 General Tips 20 Terms of Use and Limitation of Liability 21 Frequently Asked Questions...

Page 4: ...Tone Button G Vibration Button H Stimulation Button Tone Indication Vibration Indication Stimulation Indication Light Indication Dog 1 or Dog 2 Mode Shock Level Display Lock Training Indication Battery Indicator I LED Light J On Off Button K Contact Points x2 L Charging Port with cover Remote Collar A B H D E F G L I J K C ...

Page 5: ...llar 2 Once the collar is fully charged its red LED indicator will turn green Once the remote is fully charged its battery indicator will show up as full 3 Once the collar is fully charged place the rubber cap covering the charging port back in its place 1 Excessive charging will shorten battery life Try to only charge the remote and collar when they are low on battery 2 When you re not using the ...

Page 6: ...ecommend starting with the lowest setting and then moving on to higher settings up to your personal comfort level 1 To turn on the remote press and hold the ON OFF button 2 The screen will light up and display current channel data and battery level If the screen doesn t light up charge the remote 3 To turn off the remote press and hold the ON OFF button for over 2 seconds 1 To turn on the collar pr...

Page 7: ...collar Vibration sends a vibration non adjustable level to the training collar Stimulation sends static stimulation adjustable in 1 36 levels to the training collar Switch between channels Dog 1 and Dog 2 Press and hold to turn on off Press to turn on off LED light on collar Rotate to increase decrease Stimulation level Press down to lock unlock all buttons Note Note Do not press and hold the Vibrat...

Page 8: ...e Stimulation Button the test light tool will light up Its brightness will increase or decrease depending on the level of stimulation you are using 1 Rotate right to increase Stimulation level 2 Rotate left to decrease Stimulation level 3 Press down to lock unlock all buttons HOW LED LIGHT WORKS When you can t find your dog in the dark you can find it by lighting the LED light Lock Unlock All Button...

Page 9: ... important to select suitable contact points based on the thickness of your dog s coat You can use the contact points separately or together with the spring sheet When placing the collar on your dog make sure it fits properly and the contact points are pressed firmly against the dog s skin If the collar is fitted too loosely it may move during the training process and the contact points may hurt the ...

Page 10: ...lar or flicking ears All these behaviors are indicators that you have found a suitable stimulation level This is also known as Recognition Level 1 Start at the lowest stimulation level press and hold the Vibration or Stimulation Button continuously further referred to as the S button 2 If your pet shows no reaction repeat the first step several times before moving up to a higher stimulation level 3 ...

Page 11: ...ation 36 Levels Detachable Included Up to 900m 3000 feet in Open Space Yes Yes Yes 2 Rechargeable Li ion Battery Remote 10 days Collar 16 days 2 Hours 15 2 68 7 cm 6 27 7 x 3 6 x 2 4 cm 2 75 x 1 4 x 0 94 13 2 x 4 4 x 2 cm 5 2 x 1 7 x 0 78 Collar 77g with strap Remote 62g Not Waterproof Keep Away From Water IEC 60529 IPX7 Waterproof From 0 40 From 32 104 20dBm Product Name Model Training Modes Stat...

Page 12: ...Pet section Make sure the Collar s contact points are in good contact with your pet s skin Refer to the Collar Fitting section for more information Make sure the Collar is charged When charging the Collar for the first time charge it for at least 4 hours Subsequent charges only take 2 3 hours Make sure the Collar is turned on Check if both the Collar and the remote are sufficiently charged Try pairin...

Page 13: ...fficiency With that correcting unwanted behaviors is only a fraction of you can do with your new e collar In fact the ABBIDOT e collar can be a powerful tool for encouraging desired behavior But first you need to identify the right e collar settings for your dog the one that is high enough to be noticed but not so high as to be disruptive The next step would be for your dog to control the behavior of...

Page 14: ...other hand free to guide your pet into a Sit position 3 Press and hold the S button starting at your pet s Recognition Level 4 Immediately give the Sit command while continuing to hold the S button 5 Release the S button as soon as your pet is in position and praise him 6 Release your pet from the Sit command and play 7 Repeat Steps 2 through 6 Note if your pet breaks the Sit command repeat steps ...

Page 15: ...l they begin to come in your direction 6 Immediately release the S button as soon as your pet steps towards you and praise them enthusiasti cally 7 Quickly move backwards as your pet begins to come back to you praising him the entire time 8 Praise your pet when he returns to you 9 Repeat Steps 3 through 8 10 Once your pet has responded readily to the Come command several times back away from him w...

Page 16: ...her 3 Staying within 3 feet walk the perimeter of the bed Do not say anything to your pet 4 If your pet tries to leave the bed press and hold the S button and give the Stay command Continue to hold the button until your pet is back on their bed If necessary use the leash to guide your pet onto their place 5 Praise your pet when they are back on their bed You are welcome to use treats 6 Once your p...

Page 17: ...acceptable behavior for which they can receive praise 1 On the remote select your pet s Recognition Level 2 As soon as your pet lifts a paw off the ground to jump on you press the S button and give the Sit command 3 Release the S button immediately once your pet is sitting and verbally praise them 4 If your pet ignores the stimulation increase the Intensity Level 5 Practice this exercise in several...

Page 18: ... s Recognition Level 2 Place the collar on your pet and wait at least 10 minutes before letting them out in the yard No other people or pets should be in the yard as you do not want your pet to associate the stimulation with anything other than digging Your pet must be securely fenced in or contained during training 3 From a window or area where your pet cannot see you wait until your pet begins t...

Page 19: ...ou must also be physically strong to restrain your dog when they try to chase 1 If your dog has not learned the Come command keep a leash on them so that you can physically stop them before they reach the object that is being chased 2 Choose the intensity level that is one level above your pet s Recognition Level 3 Set up a scenario where your dog is enticed to chase an object Common items could b...

Page 20: ...ed behavior of your dog Do not over correct Use as little stimulation as possible to train your dog Following a predefined scenario of all your training sessions can dramatically improve your chances of success Trash Raiding General Tips The easiest way to prevent trash raiding is to remove garbage and tempting food from your pet s environment You can use the e collar to teach your pet to stay away...

Page 21: ... your veterinarian or a certified trainer Proper use includes reviewing the entire User Manual and Dog Training Guide provided with this product Pay extra attention to all the Caution statements This Product is designed for use with dogs and cats only The ABBIDOT dog training collar is not intended to harm injure or provoke Using this product in a way that is not intended could result in violation ...

Page 22: ...roduct immediately for at least 48 hours If the condition persists beyond 48 hours consult your veterinarian Can I attach a leash to the e collar No this can result in pulling the contact points too tightly against your dog s neck Use a separate collar when needed How long can I leave the e collar on my dog for How long can I continuously deliver vibration Shock to my pet The collar is not designe...

Page 23: ...range of the remote may be affected by a number of factors like terrain weather vegetation transmission from other radio devices and so on Probably not You may need to reinforce training with the Receiver Collar from time to time How long should the training session be Will I get exactly 1500 feet of range with the collar s remote Once my pet is trained and has been obeying my commands will he have...

