Planning and Installation Guidelines 19
Planning and
Installation Guidelines
Technical Description
Wireless Proximity Switches / Issue: 09.2004
V 6
2.7 Configuration of wireless proximity switches
Wireless proximity switches can be configured only if they are brand new or their configura-
tion has been deleted before. In order to perform the configuration, the input module must be
switched into the CONFIG mode and display a free address. For configuration, the membrane
switch of the
wireless proximity switch
is pressed until the green LED lights up and indicates
that the procedure has been sucessful.
2.8 Deleting the configuration of wireless proximity switches
By pressing the membrane switch of wireless proximity switches for more than 15 seconds, its
configuration is deleted.
WINK mode, triggered from the input module
When pressing the membrane switch, the status of the wireless proximity switch is displayed. In an operating system, the
WINK function is triggerd at the same time
Sensor head
Status of
Status of
Pressing the membrane switch at
the communication module starts
the WINK mode and indicates its
address,which blinks, at the display
of the input module.
Thus a clear allocation is ensured.
If the WINK mode is triggered at the
input module, the green LED of the
selected wireless proximity switch
blinks for 60 s.
Thus a clear allocation is ensured.
LED signals of the communication module, Table 2
The Flashing of a configured
communication module (pressed
switch and without communication
connection) can be very irregular and
stops when the switch is released
(in contrast to the WINk function).