Operating Instructions VER:1.0
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Surveillance of outdoor station
Pos: 90 /CNDEX/09 Operation/Surveilance of outdoor station_HSM36-GU @ 62\mod_1498527843607_15.docx @ 794551 @ @ 1
Fig. 18: Surveillance of outdoor station
In standby mode, enter the "Gate station number" or "Unit no. + outdoor station no." and then
press to initiate surveillance of the gate station or the outdoor station.
During surveillance, press the
button to unlock the default lock. Click on
to unlock the
second lock. (you should first enable the second lock setting)
During surveillance, click on
to take a snapshot manually.
During surveillance, click on
to terminate the surveillance.
During surveillance, press the
button to communicate with the gate station or outdoor station.
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