ABB UniGear Series Engineering Manual Download Page 1






UniGear Family


UniGear Digital


Engineering Guide


Summary of Contents for UniGear Series

Page 1: ... DISTRIBUTI ON SOLUTIONS UniGear Family UniGear Digital Engineering Guide ...

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Page 3: ... DISTRIBUTI ON SOLUTIONS UniGear Family UniGear Digital Engineering Guide ...

Page 4: and soon to protectthese products the network its system and interfaces againstsecurity breaches unauthorizedaccess interference intrusion leakage and or theftof data or information ABB performs functionalitytesting onthe products and updatesthatwe release However system product owners are ultimatelyresponsible for ensuringthatany productupdates or other major system updates to include butnotli...

Page 5: ...6 3 1 1 Current sensors 26 3 1 2 Voltage sensors 31 3 2 Documentation 33 3 3 Station bus GOOSE 35 3 4 Process bus SMV 42 3 5 Ethernet 52 3 5 1 Requirements 52 3 5 2 Technology 53 3 5 3 Topologies 60 3 5 4 Ethernet traffic estimation 66 3 5 5 Namingconvention to identify protection relays 67 3 5 6 IP address allocation 67 3 5 7 Time synchronization 68 3 5 8 Traffic segregation 71 3 5 9 Protection r...

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Page 7: ...nsormeasurementandprocess bus application ofvoltage sharing andsynchrocheck 22 Figure24 UniGear ZS1 Digital 17 5 kV 4 000 A 50 kA 23 Figure25 UniGear ZS1 Digital 24 kV 3 150 A 31 5 kA 24 Figure26 UniGear550 Digital 12 kV 1 250 A 31 5 kA 24 Figure27 UniGear500R Digital 17 5 kV 2 000 A 31 5 kA 25 Figure28 UniGear MCC Digital 12 kV 400 A 50 kA 25 Figure29 Example of a current sensor label 26 Figure30...

Page 8: ...Figure72 LC connectors 54 Figure73 Communication module with singleEthernetconnector 54 Figure74 Communication modules with multiple Ethernetconnectors 55 Figure75 Example of Managed Ethernet Switches from AFS family 57 Figure76 1 FastEthernetfiber optic SFP module 2 GigabitEthernet fiberoptic SFP module 57 Figure77 Installed SFP module in managed Ethernet switch AFS677 57 Figure78 Example of sate...

Page 9: ...2 Figure 109 VLAN Port dialog 83 Figure 110 Spanning Tree Global dialog 84 Figure 111 Spanning TreePorts dialog 84 Figure 112 E MRP RingRedundancy dialog 85 Figure 113 Example of AFS660Frontview 86 Figure 114 Switching Global dialog 86 Figure 115 PRP Configuration dialog 87 Figure 116 HSRConfiguration dialog 88 Figure 117 IEC61850 MMS Configuration dialog 88 Figure 118 Tekron clock configuration T...

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Page 11: ...ital 11 Table 3 Overview of UniGear Digital in UniGearswitchgear family 23 Table 4 Maximum current Start and protection settingvalues 29 Table 5 Topology dependent SMV max delay setting 51 Table 6 Recommended Managed Ethernet switches overview for UniGear Digital 56 Table 7 Comparison of network topologies 65 Table 8 C37 238 Power Profilekey parameters 69 ...

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Page 13: be usedas a technicalreferenceduringtheengineeringphase 1 2 Intended users This manual is intendedforto be usedby design protection relay testand serviceengineers The protection relay engineerneeds to havea thorough knowledgeofprotection systems protection equipment protection functions configuredfunctionallogic in theProtection relays andtheirIEC 61850engineering Thetestand serviceengineers ar...

Page 14: ...insulators housedin thecable compartment ordirectly in the busbarcompartment The currentandvoltage sensors arevery accurate accuracyclass 0 5 howeverrevenue metering might requirehigheraccuracyclassesorseparateinstrumentcurrentandvoltage transformer Such transformers can optionally beadded to sensor equippedpanels Capacitivevoltagedetection is enabledby capacitivedividers thatareeitherintegratedin...

Page 15: ...ximum app parame ter Panel width mm UniGear ZS1 Digital up to 17 5 kV UniGear ZS1 Digital up to 24 kV UniGear 550 Digital UniGear 500R Digital UniGear MCC Digital Current KECA 80 C104 Up to 1 250A 650 Yes No No No No KECA 80 C165 Up to 4 000 A 800 1000 Yes No No No No KECA 80 C184 Up to 1 250A 800 No Yes No No No KECA 80 C216 Up to 3 150 A 1000 No Yes No No No KECA 250 B1 Up to 2 000 A No No Yes Y...

Page 16: ...ingclass0 5 is reachedforcontinuous currentmeasurementin the extendedaccuracy ranges from5 of therated primary currentIpr notonly up to 120 of Ipr as beingcommon forconventionalcurrenttransformers buteven upto therated continu ous thermal currentIcth 1 250Aor 4 000 A That provides thepossibility to designatethe correspondingaccuracyclass as 5P400and5P630 provingexcellentlinearity andaccuracy measu...

Page 17: ...uous currentmeasurementin theextended accuracy rangefrom5 of the rated primary currentIpr not only upto 120 ofIpr as being common forconventionalcurrenttransformers buteven upto the rated continuousthermal currentIcth 1 250Aor 3 150A That provides thepossibility to designatethecorresponding accuracy class as 5P400 provingexcellentlinearityandaccuracy measurements Figure3 CurrentsensorKECA80C184 KE...

Page 18: theextendedaccuracy rangefrom5 of the rated primary currentIpr not only upto 120 ofIpr as beingcommon for conventionalcurrent transformers but even upto the rated continuous thermalcurrentIcth 2 000A That provides thepossibility to designatethecorrespondingaccuracyclass as 5P125 proving excellentlinearity andaccuracy measurements Figure4 CurrentsensorKECA250B1 Technicalparameters Continuous the...

Page 19: ...or directly in thebusbarcompartment KEVA 17 5 B20 KEVA B sensorcan be usedin all applications upto the voltage level17 5 kV The sensorfulfils requirements ofaccuracy class 0 5 formeasurementpurposes andaccuracy class 3P for protection purposes Figure5 Voltage sensorKEVA 17 5 B20 Technicalparameters Rated primary voltage 15 3 kV Rated power frequency withstandvoltage 38 42 kV Rated lightningimpulse...

Page 20: ...irements ofaccuracy class 0 5 formeasurementpurposes andaccuracy class 3P for protection purposes Figure6 Voltage sensorKEVA 24 B20 Technicalparameters Rated primary voltage 22 3 kV Rated power frequency withstandvoltage 50kV Rated lightningimpulsewithstandvoltage 125 kV Transformation ratio 10000 1 Accuracy class 0 5 3P ...

Page 21: ...rentandvoltagesensorhas separatecable with oneRJ 45 connector Thecable is a separable part of each sensorandit can be replaced by cable of the same length becauseof theguaranteed accuracy andperformanceof the sen sor The cable is to be connecteddirectly orviathecoupleradapter AR5 if needed to the protection relay The coupleradapter AR5 is usedto combinetwo RJ 45 connectors from currentandvoltagese...

Page 22: ...owingassignment PIN 4 S1 PIN 5 S2 otherPINs remain unused Figure8 Connectorpins assignmentofacurrentsensorplug Voltage sensorwires areconnectedaccordingto thefollowingassignment PIN 7 a PIN 8 other PINs remain unused Figure9 Connectorpins assignmentofavoltage sensorplug ...

Page 23: ...ication with GOOSE messaging performanceclass P1 1A and 9 2LE stream samplerate 4 kHz in case of 50Hz 80samples per cycle 1 ASDU per frame The IEC 61850 9 2LE interfaceis sup ported by the Relion 615 620and640 series includingthePRP1 HSRredundancy RED615 only viafiber optic interfaces The615 620and640 series work as a redundancy box Redbox between the HSR PRP1 networks andsingleattached devices or...

Page 24: ... andsupervision ofutilities andindustrialpowerdistribution systems including radial looped andmeshed networks and involvingapotentialdistributedpowergeneration The REF615 can send 1 instance and orreceive 1 instance voltageover the IEC 61850 9 2LE andto synchrocheckwith IEC 61850 9 2 LE Figure10 Functionality overviewofREF615standardconfiguration G ...

Page 25: ...UNIGEAR DIGITAL PROTECTION RELAYS 1VLG5 00007 E 13 Figure11 Functionality overviewofREF615 standardconfigurationL ...

Page 26: ...hronousmotors in manufacturingandprocess industry The REM615 offers allthe functionality neededto manage motor starts and normal operation includingalso protection andfaultclearancein driveandnetwork disturbance situations TheREM615 can send 1 instance and orreceive 1 instance voltageover the IEC 61850 9 2LE Figure12 Functionality overviewofREM615 standardconfiguration D ...

Page 27: ...substations overafiber optic link or a galvanic pilotwireconnection Protection ofring typeandmesheddistribution networks generally requires unitprotection solutions also appliedin radialnetworks containing distributedpowergeneration With relation to UniGear Digitalthis protection relay is used formore dedicatedapplications only TheRED615 can send 1 instance and orreceive 1 instance voltageovertheI...

Page 28: ...ks with or withoutdistributedpowergeneration REF620can also beusedto protect feeders includingmotors orcapacitorbanks Addition ally REF620offers functionalityforinterconnectionprotection usedwith distributedgenera tion likewind orsolar power connectionto utility grid The REF620 can send 1 instance and or receive 1 instance voltageovertheIEC 61850 9 2LE andto synchrocheck with IEC 61850 9 2 LE Figu...

Page 29: ...tion control measurement andsupervision ofmedium sizedandlargeasynchronousandsyn chronous motors requiringalso differentialprotection in themanufacturingandprocess industry The REF620 can send 1 instance and orreceive 1 instance voltageover the IEC 61850 9 2LE andto synchrocheckwith IEC 61850 9 2 LE Figure15 FunctionalityoverviewofREM620standardconfiguration B ...

Page 30: ...rageofany comprehensiveprotectionapplication requirementthatmay arise duringthecomplete life cycleofthe relay and substation Onefull IEC 61850 9 2 LE streamcontainingboth voltages andcurrents can besent Receiv ingof upto four Sampled MeasuredValue SMV streams is supported with a total ofmaxi mum 16 channels Thechannels arefreely configurablewith thepossibility to engineerSMV stream redundancy usin...

Page 31: ...he RIO600communicates with theprotection relays overtheEthernetcable viafast horizontal GOOSE communication Figure17 OverviewofRIO600connection The RIO600AOM4 analog outputmodule has fourmA outputs providingmAoutputsignalin range 0 20mA These outputs can be usedforconnection to theanalog digitalpanel meters Operation accuracy ofmA outputis 0 1 or 0 2mA There is an option to usea selector switch to...

Page 32: ...y s sensorinputs is possiblewithoutopeningthe lowvoltage compartment door One test block is intendedforone phaseandit consists ofasocket a lid anda plug Figure19 ESSAILEC RJ45 testblock Figure20 LowVoltage Compartment door with ESSAILEC RJ45 testblocks The socketis coveredduringNormaloperation by thelid Fortesting the lidis removedand replacedby the test plug Figure21 Thetesting only onephaseis sh...

Page 33: ...theredby measure ments The UCA InternationalUsers Groupcreateda guideline commonly referredto as IEC 61850 9 2LE where LE stays for LiteEdition thatdefines an application profileof IEC 61850 9 2 to facilitateimplementation andenable interoperability The Station and Process busses can bephysically separatedorthey can coexiston thesame Ethernetnetwork The GOOSE and SMVprofiles enable designingsubsta...

Page 34: ... any of the outgoingfeeders orin dedicated metering panel The sharingofthe busbarvoltage is doneby interconnection wires between busbarVTs and protection relays in alloutgoingfeeders Usage ofsensors andIEC 61850 9 2 has significant effect on the design ofthe switchgear The signalfrom the voltagesensormeasuringthe busbarvoltage in oneof theprotection relay is digitizedinto sampledvalues stream shar...

Page 35: ...ltage level Ratedfeeder current Ratedshort circuit current UniGearZS1 Single busbar Yes Up to 24 kV Up to 4 000A Up to 50kA 3 s Double busbar No Up to 24 kV Up to 4 000A Up to 31 5kA 3 s Back to back No Up to 24 kV Up to 4 000A Up to 50kA 3 s UniGear550 Single busbar Yes Up to 12 kV Up to 1 250A Up to 31 5kA 3 s UniGear 500R IEC Single busbar Yes Up to 17 5 kV Up to 2 000A Up to 31 5kA 3 s UniGear...

Page 36: ...24 1VLG5 00007 E Figure25 UniGearZS1 Digital 24 kV 3 150A 31 5 kA Figure26 UniGear550Digital 12 kV 1 250A 31 5 kA ...

Page 37: ...UNIGEAR DIGITAL SWITCHGEAR TYPE OVERVIEW 1VLG5 00007 E 25 Figure27 UniGear500RDigital 17 5 kV 2 000A 31 5 kA Figure28 UniGearMCC Digital 12 kV 400A 50kA ...

Page 38: ...haseerrorof a current sensorareentered on the sensorlabeland as well as in the sensor s routinetestreport To achievetherequiredaccuracyclasses itis recommendedto useboth correction factors Cfs that is the amplitude correction factor aI andthephaseerror correction factor pI of the currentsensor Figure29 Exampleofa currentsensorlabel Due to linearcharacteristics ofthesensormeasurementerrorcausedby m...

Page 39: ...aintain the same transformation ratio However the settingin the protection relay Rated Secondary Value is notin V butin mV Hz which makes the same settingvaluevalid forboth 50 Hz and60 Hz nominalfrequency 𝑅𝑆𝑉 𝐼𝑛 𝐼𝑝𝑟 𝐾𝑟 𝑓𝑛 RSV Rated secondary valuein mV Hz In Application nominalcurrent Ipr Sensor ratednominalcurrent Kr Sensor ratedvoltageat therated currentin mV fn Network nominal frequency In this...

Page 40: ...sorin PCM600 Unless otherwisespecified the NominalCurrentsettingshouldalways bethe same as the Primary Currentsettingwhich is areferencevalueforprotection functions Each settingparameter of currentprotection functionsis dividedby application nominalcur rentIn Thresholdfor PHIPTOC1 Start valuetrippingat 2 000A is InTRIP In 2 000 A 1 000 A 2 Figure33 Exampleofparameter settingforPHIPTOC1 Start value...

Page 41: ...nsorinput is saturatedis smaller than the maximum settingvalueof the currentprotection Table 4 Maximum currentStart and protection settingvalues ApplicationNominal current In RatedSecondaryValuewith 80 A 0 150V at 50Hz Maximum currentStartand protectionsettingvalues 1 250A 1 000 46 875mV Hz 40 x In 1 250 2 500A 46 875 93 750mV Hz 20x In 2 500 4 000 A 93 750 150 000mV Hz 12 5 x In Priority Each cur...

Page 42: ...5 Polarity settingforcurrentsensorsin incomingfeeder Sensorpolarity is changedviaparameter settingin PCM600 IEDConfiguration Configuration Analoginputs Current 3I CT Figure36 Exampleofpolarity settingforcurrentsensorin PCM600 ...

Page 43: ...ommendedto useboth correction factors Cfs that is the amplitude correction factor aU andthe phaseerrorcorrection factor pU of the voltagesensor Figure37 Exampleofa voltagesensorlabel Due to linearcharacteristics ofthesensormeasurementerrorcausedby manufacturingtol erances can be compensatedforby usingcorrection factors enteredin theprotection relay The correction factors areenteredviaparameter set...

Page 44: ...n this example the systemphase to phasevoltageratingis 10kV Figure39 Singlelinediagram Primary voltageparameter is set to 10 kV Forprotection relays with sensormeasurement supportthe Voltage inputtypeis always set to CVD sensor andit cannotbe changed The same applies forthe VT connection parameter which is always setto WYE type The divi sion ratio is 10000 1 Thus the Division ratio parameteris set...

Page 45: ...ctions between the protection relay andEthernetswitch network architectures anddevicelocation PanelNo Figure41 Example of a Network OverviewDiagram Logic diagrams forinterconnectionbetween panels The GOOSE Logic diagrams showthe principleoftheapplication used andare project oriented Figure42 Exampleof a logic diagram forinterconnection between panels ...

Page 46: ...34 1VLG5 00007 E Sampledmeasuredvaluediagram The diagram gives overviewaboutmeasurementsharingwhen usingtheIEC 61850 9 2LE Process Bus Figure43 Exampleof a Sampled measured valuediagram ...

Page 47: ...elatest relevantconnectivity package forpro tection relays IntegratedEngineeringTool IET600 The IET600 is a SystemConfigurationToolwhich containsvarious modules to complete the systemengineeringofan IEC 61850basedsubstation including Configuration ofthesubstation topology Configuration ofthecommunicationnetwork Configuration oftheIEC 61850dataflow Datasets Controlblocks Engineeringoftypicalbays fo...

Page 48: ... IEC 61850Configuration tool Figure44 Creatinga newGOOSE data set and its entries A maximum of 20data attributes can be added to a singleGOOSE dataset Ifa data sethas quality attributes the attributes must be locatedafter the status valueof the same data object Step2 3 ConfiguringaGOOSE controlblock with theIEC 61850Configurationtool Figure45 GOOSE controlblock properties ...

Page 49: ...address UniqueMulticastaddress perGoCBis recommended The allowed multicast address ranges from01 0C CD 01 00 00to 01 0C CD 01 01 FF GOOSE Controlblock name Data set definition VLAN ID The default valueis 0x000 it shouldbe configuredto 0 Recommended values as perIEC 61850 90 4 arerangingfrom0x3E8 1 000 to 0x5E7 1 511 VLAN priority The default valueis 4 as per IEC 61850 8 1 valuerange 0 7 Tmin ms Ma...

Page 50: ... receiver 1 2 receiver 2 3 sender Configuration procedurein IET600 Step1 6 After the common configurationitems havebeen completed theSCD filehas been exported from PCM600andthe SCDfile has been imported to IET600 Step2 6 In the Options dialogbox in IET600 click ShowIEDCapabilities Tab Figure47 SelectingShowIEDCapabilities Tab ...

Page 51: ...rrideforClientServiceforClientServiceConfDa taset Modify box to adjustthe IED615 IED620option to supportGOOSE dataset modifica tion Figure48 Editing615 series capabilities Step3 6 Creatinga GOOSE data set andits entries with the IET600 Figure49 Creatinganew GOOSE data set and its entries ...

Page 52: ...E Step4 6 ConfiguringaGOOSE controlblock with theIET600 Figure50 Naminga GOOSE controlblock Step5 6 Configuring GOOSE receivers with theIET600 Figure51 GCBclient Step6 6 Saveandexport the SCDfile andimport itto PCM600 ...

Page 53: ...cificuser definednames to distinguish between differentblocks when making GOOSE connections in theSignalMatrix tool Figure52 AddingaGOOSERCVfunction block in theApplication ConfigurationTool Step2 3 CreatingGOOSERCVblock connection into theapplication Figure53 CreatingGOOSERCVblock connectionto a newvariable Step3 3 Mappingof GOOSE senderdata into the correspondingGOOSERCVfunctionblock in Signal M...

Page 54: ... bus 640series supportredundantSMVstreams by usingthevoltage VMSWI and current CMSWI function blocks Automatic switchingto thebackupSMVstream can be configured in Application ConfigurationusingSMVquality and orotherlogic Figure55 ExampleofProcess bus application ofvoltagesharingandsynchro check Figure56 Exampleof Process bus applicationofvoltagesharing redundancyand synchro check ...

Page 55: PCM600 Only foursimple steps are neededto get Process Bus engineeredin PCM600 Step1 4 Activation oftransmissionofSampled MeasuredValueneeds to havethe SMVSENDERfunc tion block added to the Application Configuration Tool ACT in a voltage senderprotection relays By addingthe SMVSENDERfunction block newdataset is automatically added to the protection relay configuration andacontrolblock forSMVis c...

Page 56: ... clocks with the same domain aresynchronized PTP priority 1 127 128 theclock with thelowest priority 1 becomes referenceclock Grandmaster PTP priority 2 128 255 ifalltherelevantvalues forselectingthereferenceclock formul tiple devices arethesame the clock with the lowest priority 2 is selectedas thereference clock PTP announcemode PowerProfile It is recommended to set Priority 1 andPriority 2 to b...

Page 57: ... 00007 E 45 Step3 4 The connection between SMVsenderandreceiveris handledusingtheIEC 61850Configura tion tool Protection relay can receivevoltageonly fromoneanotherrelay viaIEC 61850 9 2LE Figure60 ConfiguringtheSMVsenders andreceivers ...

Page 58: ...46 1VLG5 00007 E Step4 4 Settingthe Sampled MeasuredValue ControlBlock attributes Figure61 ChangingtheSampled MeasuredValueControlBlock attributes ...

Page 59: ... 511 VLAN priority The default valueis 4 as per IEC 61850 9 2 valuerange 0 7 ConfigRevision It increases in caseofmodification ofattributes Recommended valueis 1 Data Set Definition Controlblock name Sampled valueID If configurationis updatedin amanner that affects the ConfigRevisionvalueofSampled MeasuredValue ControlBlock updateall SMVsenderand receiverprotection relaysusingthe PCM600tool Config...

Page 60: ...ion to supportsampled values services Figure63 Editing615 seriescapabilities Step3 5 Configuringsampledvaluecontrolblock in theIET600 Figure64 Sampled valuecontrolblock Step4 5 ConnectingtheSMVsenders andreceivers in theIET600 Figure65 ConnectingtheSMVsenders andreceivers Step5 5 Saveandexport the SCDfile andimport itto PCM600 ...

Page 61: ...n relay SMVRCVfunction block outputs need to be connectedaccordingto theSMVapplication requirements typically allthree analog phasevoltages connectedeitherto ULTVTR1 or alternatively only asingleanalog phasevoltage UL1 connectedto theULTVTR2 input RESTVTR1 inputis typically connected only in casethere is measuredneutral voltageneeded andthen availablefromthe sender Figure66 Receivingallphasevoltag...

Page 62: ...accuracy ofthesenderor the receiveris less than 4 μs The outputis held on for 10s after the synchronization accuracy returnswithin limits TheALARM in the receiveris activatedif the synchronization accuracy ofthesenderorthe receiveris unknown less than 100ms or more than one consecutiveframeis lost The outputis held on for10 s after the synchronization accuracy returns within limits Figure68 Applic...

Page 63: ...of hops in network Internal App delay μs 50Hz Internal switch delay μs Store and forward latency μs Queue latency μs 1 Additional tolerance μs 2 Theoretical max delay μs Recommended max delay setting μs 2 1 746 20 24 240 80 2 112 3 150 5 1 746 50 60 600 200 2 656 3 150 10 1 746 100 120 1 200 250 3 416 3 150 15 1 746 150 180 1 800 300 4 176 3 150 20 1 746 200 240 2 400 350 4 936 4 400 25 1 746 250 ...

Page 64: ...Layer2 andLayer3 features that are crit icalfor real timecontrolandsubstation automation Theseinclude IEEE 802 3x Full Duplex operation on allports which ensures thatno collisions occurand thereby makes Ethernetmuch more deterministic Thereare absolutely zero collisionsin connectionsthatboth supportIEEE 802 3x Full Duplex operation IEEE 802 1p PriorityQueuing whichallows frames to be tagged with d...

Page 65: ...detransceivers must be usedas well as multi modecabling Multi modefiber cable 50 125 µm embodies a coresizeof50 µm in diameter and a claddingsizeof125 µm 62 5 125 µm cablingis generally the most popular one The name Multi mode comes from the factthat thelight usedto transmit the data travels multiple paths within the core Patch cords A patch cordor patch cable is an electrical or opticalcable used...

Page 66: ...n dependingon theproductvariantandtheselected com munication interfaceoption Figure73 Communicationmodulewith singleEthernetconnector Communication modules with multiple Ethernetconnectors enabletheforwardingofEther net traffic Thesevariants includean internalEthernetswitch thathandles theEthernet traffic All Ethernetports sharethis onecommon MAC table Ethernetports marked with LAN A and LAN B are...

Page 67: ...ENGINEERING ETHERNET 1VLG5 00007 E 5 5 Figure74 Communicationmodules with multiple Ethernetconnectors ...

Page 68: ...Ethernetswitches overviewforUniGearDigital Type Manufacturer Assembly Number of ports HSR Redbox PRP Redbox RSTP SNTP PTPv2 Station bus Process bus AFS670 ABB 19 up to 24 No No Yes Yes No Yes No AFS675 ABB 19 up to 28 No No Yes Yes No Yes No AFS677 ABB 19 16 No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AFS660B ABB DIN Rail 8 No No Yes Yes No Yes No AFS665B ABB DIN Rail 10 No No Yes Yes No Yes No AFS660C ABB DIN Rail...

Page 69: modefiber or overmetal twisted pairtype SFP modules arecommonly availablein severaldifferentcategories multi modefiber single mode fiber and twistedpair cabling FastEthernetSFP modules are not applicablefor the slots ports that supportonly Gigabit Ethernetand GigabitEthernetSFP modules are not applicablefor the slots ports that supportFastEthernet Only useABB SFP modules for AFS family Figure7...

Page 70: ...secondtimingthatis usedto synchronizeprotectionrelays Key features are Synchronization ofIEEE 1588 2008 PTPv2 compatibleclients viaIEEE C37 238 2011 Power Profile Synchronization ofNTP andSNTP compatible clients 1x RJ 45 or 1x multi mode fiberoptic interface Parallel Redundancy Protocolsupportforultimatereliability is availablein a fully customiza ble satellite referenceclock NTS 03 G manufactured...

Page 71: ...ommunication devices areusually mountedinsidethelowvoltagecompartment of the panel Therefore the panels are ready forconnection Themain benefits of this solution are Cubicles areready forconnection Savingspacein substation building Shortercommunication links Cheapersolution Protection relays areconnectedto theEthernetnetwork in compliancewith the Network OverviewDiagrams It is recommendedto wire c...

Page 72: ...ingleconnection The managedEthernet switches forma physicalloop ring RSTP ringofferredundancy mechanismagainstlink between switches failures butnot againstprotection relay link orswitch failure RapidSpanningTreeprotocolalways blocks onepath to avoidduplicates Moreover theRSTP ringcannotguaranteea zero or near zero frame loss upon network failureoccurrence Itis supportedby AFS andRUGGEDCOMfamily Fi...

Page 73: ...nagerkeeps the redundantlineopen if the linestructureis intact If a segment fails the ringmanager imme diately closes theredundantline and linestructureis intactagain E MRP is fast MRP with decreasedrecovery time Ring 10switches 10ms recovery time Ring 100switches 40ms It is supportedby AFS family MRP provides shorterswitchingtimes than RSTP it is limited to ringtopology and it covers much bigger ...

Page 74: ... stringentreal time requirements ofsubstation au tomation The choicebetween thesetwo protocols depends on the application andthere quiredfunctionality ParallelRedundancyProtocol PRP networks usingRapidSpanningTreeProtocol RSTP FastMedia RedundancyProtocol E MRP In PRP each nodeis attached to two independentnetworks operatedin parallel The net works are completely separatedto ensurefailureindepende...

Page 75: ...very nodeforwards the frames it receives fromoneport to the other When theoriginatingnodereceivesaframe it sent itdiscards theframe to avoidloops HSRredundancy is supportedby Relion 615 RED615only viafiberoptic interfaces 620and 640series Figure85 HSRnetwork HSRnetwork with redboxes Figure86 HSRnetwork with redboxes The maximum number of IEDs in a HSRringis 30 It is not recommendedto configuremore...

Page 76: ...interoperable becauseHSRring applies the PRP principleofparallel operation to a singlering PRP networks and HSRrings are coupledthrough PRP HSRredboxes Two redboxes shouldbeusedper oneringto be redundantandhaveaccess to both PRP networks If one Redbox fails the seamless redun dancy is stillavailablethrough theother The redboxes divideHSRringin two parts of equal sizeminimizingthemaximumnumber of h...

Page 77: ...ology Max 30 per ring Network independentof protection relays Yes Yes No INTEROPERABILITY Interoperability with non redundant protection relays Yes Yes No only via Redbox Compatible with standard EthernetCom ponents Yes Yes No HSR supportis needed PERFORMANCE Recovery time 10 500 ms 0 ms 0 ms Network bandwidth Full bandwidth Full bandwidth Half bandwidth Latency No latency in protection relay No l...

Page 78: High Ethernetswitches Low less devices ENGINEERING Effort Less More Less 3 5 4 Ethernet traffic estimation MMS 0 01 Mbps per a singleprotection relay GOOSE 0 1 Mbps in burstconditions perasingleprotection relay 2 datasets SMV 5 Mbps per a sourceprotection relay FastEthernet 100Mbps The bandwidth of the HSRringis half ofthe FastEthernet becauseeach messageis sentin parallel into either direction...

Page 79: ...y SUBJ1J01A1 3 5 6 IP address allocation The IP address is anumber that identifies anetwork device Each deviceconnectedto anet work must haveauniqueaddress Thedefault IP address rangefor a substation is 172 16 X X 172 30 X X TheIP addresses andIP masks are a specific featureofeach device In caseof devicefailure thereplacement devicereceivesthesameIP address The IP address shouldbe structuredin a w...

Page 80: ... values needto be synchro nizedbetween the sendingandthereceivingprotection relaysthatperform protection or controlfunctions The615 620and640 series supportthe IEEE 1588 PTPv2 protocoland PowerProfileas definedin IEEE C37 238to reach requiredtimingaccuracyoveran Ethernet network UsingtheEthernetnetwork to propagate thetiming signals eliminates extraca blingrequirements Figure89 Exampleof IEEE 1588...

Page 81: ...the Grandmaster fails Transparentclock corrects thetime information beforeforwardingitwithoutsynchroniz ingitself Managed Ethernetswitch The PTP Clocks can be eitherone steportwo stepones theirmixingshouldbeavoided Two step clock sends Sync message containstheapproximatetime and follow upmessage con tains more precisevalueofwhen Sync messageleft the clock Onestepclock does notsend Follow upmessage...

Page 82: ...clock treats each sideas a differentclock but does not apply theBest Master Clock algorithm sinceboth havethesame identity Locating two grandmaster clocks onein each LAN also possible in that casethe doubly attached ordinary clocks executetheBestMasterClock algorithm to select the clock they are synchro nizedto However singly attachednodes do not benefitfrom redundancy Figure90 IEEE 1588 Timesynch...

Page 83: ...iguredto performthe filteringoperation Traffic over Ethernetnetwork is groupedinto severalvirtualLANs VLAN ID 1 MMS IEEE 1588 SNMP Itexists as default and its usage throughoutLAN yields thesame behaviour as ifthere were no VLANs VLAN ID 0 VLAN ID 1 000 GOOSE messages VLAN ID 3 000 3 511 SMVstream It is groupedbased on senderand associated receivers Figure92 Exampleoftraffic segregation viabuilding...

Page 84: ...72 1VLG5 00007 E Figure94 VirtualLANs allocation in HSR PRP networks ...

Page 85: supervises redundant channels andSCHLCCH block supervisesstatus ofEthernetports RCHLCCH outputs signals CHLIV Status of redundantEthernetchannelLAN A When redundantmode is setto HSRor PRP mode valueis True iftheprotection relay is receivingredundancy supervision frames Otherwisevalueis False REDCHLIV Status of redundantEthernetchannelLAN B When redundantmodeis set to HSRor PRP mode valueis True...

Page 86: ...2 LAN2 Value is True ifthe port is receiving Ethernetframes Valid only when redundantmode is set to Noneorport is not oneof the redundantports LAN A or LAN B LNK2LIV Link status of Ethernetport X2 LAN2 CH3LIV Status of EthernetchannelX3 LAN3 Value is True if theport is receiving Ethernetframes Valid only when redundantmode is set to Noneorport is not oneof the redundantports LAN A or LAN B LNK3LIV...

Page 87: ...ENGINEERING ETHERNET 1VLG5 00007 E 75 Figure97 Status ofEthernetrearport displayedviaITT SA Explorer on top and on bottom ...

Page 88: ...efox orMicrosoftInternet Explorer Beinga universalaccess tool theWebbrowseruses an applet which communicates with the deviceviatheSimple Network Management Protocol SNMP TheWeb basedinter faceallows the deviceto be graphically configuredandituses Java Java mustbe enabledin the security settings oftheWebbrowser Login Default Username to configuretheAFS67xfamily is admin andthepasswordis admin Defau...

Page 89: ... parameters dialog Basic Setting Portconfiguration Port on enabled Automatic Configuration Enabled Gigabits ports and TX RJ 45 ports to protection relay supporting auto negotiation function Disabled fiberoptic ports ManualConfiguration Fixedspeedto protection relay shouldbeset Manualcable crossing enabled on oneringport when automatic configurationis disabled Flowcontrol disabled Figure101 PortCon...

Page 90: ...tbe storedto Devicein a permanent way Ifa yellow trianglewith the excla mation mark is seen the configurationdoes notcontain dataenteredpermanently After sav ingthe configurationto theswitch Device theyellowtrianglesymbol disappears Figure102 Load Savedialog ...

Page 91: ...sparent clock usedonly to correctand forwardPTP messages The devicecannot become a PTPv2 master Figure103 PTP Global dialog Time PTP Version 2 TC Global ProfilePresets Profile Power Defaults Operation IEEE 1588 PTPv2 TC Delay mechanism P2P Peerto Peer Primary Domain 0 Network protocol IEEE 802 3 Syntonize enabledto synchronizealso localtime PowerTLV Check enabled VLAN 1 Figure104 PTP Version 2 Tra...

Page 92: ...80 1VLG5 00007 E Time PTP Version 2 TC Port PTP Enable enabled on all ports Figure105 PTP Version 2 TransparentClock Portdialog ...

Page 93: whererequired Traffic filtering in managed Ethernet switches can bedonevia logical separation ofthe data traffic to several VLANs or viamulticastMAC address filteringforports Switching Global Global settingshouldbe keptas default Configuration ActivateFlowControl disabled Address Learning enabled itis disabledonly to observedata at all ports disabledirect packetdistribution Frame size 1 522 1 5...

Page 94: ...heswitch New VLAN ID Entries as per the protection relays engineering mustbecreated VLAN ID GOOSE rangingfrom 1 000 to 1 511 SMVrangingfrom 3 000 to 3 511 Name forinformation purposeon theswitch only Untagged ports U All ports in VLAN ID 1 exceptring PRP HSRports It is possibleto con nect engineeringtools InternetExplorerorotherfeatures viathis untaggedVLAN Tagged ports T all ports in theother VLA...

Page 95: ...witching VLAN Port Ingress Filtering enabledon all ports The port evaluates the receivedVLAN tags and transmits messages relevantto VLANs configuredforthis port othermessages are discarded GVRP disabledon all ports Figure109 VLAN Port dialog ...

Page 96: 8 192 forBackupRootSwitch 32 768forallBay Slave Switches Hello Time 2 s ForwardDelay 15 s Max Age 20s MRP Compatibility disabled enabled ifMRP ringIDis used togetherwith RSTP Figure110 SpanningTreeGlobal dialog Redundancy SpanningTree Port STP active enabled forall ports AdminEdgePort enabledfor all ports exceptthe ringones AutoEdgePort enabled forall ports Figure111 SpanningTreePorts dialog ...

Page 97: ...for E MRP Redundancy SpanningTree Port beforeconfiguringtheE MRP Redundancy RingRedundancy Version E MRP notall switches supportE MRP usesame version forallswitches RingPort 1 2 RingPorts usedfor E MRP RingManager Mode enabled in oneswitch RingManager RingManager Mode disabledin in all ringswitches exceptofswitch RingManager Operation ON VLAN VLAN ID 1 Switches Number the numberof switches in ther...

Page 98: ...Rfunction replaces interfaces 1 1 and1 2 with interfacehsr 1 that is why it is recommended to initializeconfigurationprocess oftheEthernetswitch with redundancy settings ifitis applicable Figure113 Exampleof AFS660Frontview Switching Global Configuration VLAN Unawaremode disabled anothername forthe VLAN 0 transparent mode When VLAN Unaware mode is enabled the devicetransmits data packets to all le...

Page 99: ...panningTree Port both tabs HSRports aredifferentfrom MRP or E MRP operation is completely disabled Operation ON Ports A B ON other devices notprovidingsupportto HSRare connectedto otherports HSRparameter HSRmode modeu hostoperates as a proxy fordestination device itforwards unicast traffic aroundtheringand forwards it to destination address when theframes return to the sourcenodeitdiscards theunic...

Page 100: ...nfiguration dialog 3 5 10 7 AdvancedSettings Optional Advanced Industrial Protocols IEC61850 MMS Operation ON to make information relatedto the Ethernetswitch availableon the IEC 61850network Figure117 IEC61850 MMS Configurationdialog ...

Page 101: ...coverconnectedunit supposing Discoverbutton Figure118 Tekron clock configuration Tool Configuration procedureis initiatedby Configurebutton afterselectingofunitfromthe list Default login is User Name admin Password Password Theprocedurecan beblockedby Windows firewallsettings Network Basic Settings AdvancedOptions enabled IPv4 Method Static enabled IP address IP number Netmask Netmask Gateway IP n...

Page 102: ...90 1VLG5 00007 E Figure119 Basic settingdialog Network PTP Settings Enable enabled Operatingmode Two Step Profiles C37 238 Grandmaster Priority 1 120 128 defaultsetting Figure120 PTP settingdialog ...

Page 103: ...inberg The LANTIME M400timeserver can be configuredviaseveraluserinterfaces forexample local display web interface Web interface Forfirsttime installation enterIP address netmask for Ethernetconnection LAN0of LANTIME vialocalHMI and then connectto the web interfaceby enteringIP address ofthe LANTIME into theaddress field ofa web browser Default User name to configuredeviceis rootandpasswordis time...

Page 104: ...92 1VLG5 00007 E PTP Setting Interface 01 Global Select Profile Power Priority1 120 128 defaultsetting Other settingis default Figure123 PTP Globalsettings dialog ...

Page 105: ...RING ETHERNET 1VLG5 00007 E 93 PTP Setting Interface01 Network EnableDHCP Client Static TCP IP Address IP number Netmask Netmask Gateway IP number Other settingis default Figure124 PTP Network settings dialog ...

Page 106: ...ngafamily offrame based computer networkingtechnologies into aLAN E MRP FastMedia Redundancy Protocolwith decreasedrecovery time FDX Full Duplex FTP FoiledTwisted pairs GOOSE Generic Object OrientedSubstationEvent GLONASS Global Navigation SatelliteSystem GoID GOOSE message identifier GPS Global PositioningSystem GVRP Generic VLAN Registration Protocol HMI Human MachineInterface HSR High Availabil...

Page 107: ...dition LiteEdition MAC Media Access Control Mbps Megabit per second MMS ManufacturingMessageSpecification MRP Media Redundancy Protocol accordingIEC 62439 MV Medium voltage NTP Network Time Protocol PC Personalcomputer PCM600 Protection andcontrolrelay Manager PPS Pulses persecond PRP Parallel Redundancy Protocol PTPv2 Precision TimeProtocolVersion 2 REF615 Feederprotection andcontrolrelay REF620 ...

Page 108: ...CL XML basedsubstation descriptionconfiguration language definedby IEC 61850 SFP Small form factorpluggable SMV Sampled MeasuredValue SNMP Simple Network Management SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol SvID Sampled valuemessage identifier TC Transparentclock TLV Type Length Value VLAN VirtualLAN VT Voltage Transformer ...

Page 109: ...ion relay Ethernetrearports settingand supervision Updated engineeringofcurrentsensors RSVupto 150mV Hz Small form factorpluggablemodule port Recommended Satellitecontrolledclocks andtheirengineering Updated recommended network topologies FastMediaredundancy protocol 2015 12 01 D all Ethernettechnology extendedaboutEthernetrear connections of protection relays 620series 2 0FP1 newfunctionality for...

Page 110: ...upport Removalof Coupleradapter AR4 SMVMax delay parameter UniGear 500R testedvoltage levelup to 17 5kV Protection andcontrolREX640 Updated recommended ManagedEthernet switches SupportedProcess bus application extendedaboutvoltagesharing redundancy 2019 02 26 ...

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