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6 - Instruments
By pressing and holding the ENTER key,
the cyclical display of the parameters can
Allows you to confirm the operation or enter the data set.
Allows you to read through the data in descending order on the
display, or when inserting, correct the value set by reducing it
Allows you to read through the data in ascending order on the display, or
when inserting, correct the value set by increasing it
Allows you to exit the current mode
The “GFI” (ground fault) LED indicates that the inverter has detected a ground fault in the
DC side photovoltaic generator. When this fault is detected, the inverter immediately discon-
nects from the grid and displays the relevant error indication on the LCD display.
Indicates that the inverter has detected an anomaly. The type of problem will be shown in the display
Indicates that the inverter is functioning correctly.
When the unit is commissioned, while the grid is checked, this LED blinks. If a valid grid voltage is detected,
the LED remains continuously lit, as long as there is sufficient sunlight to activate the unit. Otherwise, the
LED will continue to blink until the sunlight is sufficient for activation. In this phase, the LCD display shows the
message “Awaiting sun...”
escription of keyboard and LED Panel
Using the combination of keyboard keys, under the display
it is possible
to set values or scroll through the data items to view them. LED indica-
tors are located alongside the keyboard, indicating the operating state of
the inverter.
The LEDs, in various multiple available combinations, can signal multiple conditions other
than the original single condition; see the various descriptions explained in the manual.
The Keys, in various multiple available combinations, allow you to access actions other than the
original single action; see the various descriptions explained in the manual.