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5 - Installation
parts. The max. tripping times are progressively shortened as the speed
of change in the fault current increases and, starting from the 300 msec/
max for the 30 mA/sec change, they are shortened respectively to 150
msec and 40 msec for 60 mA and 150 mA changes.
It should in any case be noted that the integrated device only protects the
system against ground faults that occur upstream of the AC terminals of
the inverter (namely towards the DC side of the photovoltaic system and
consequently towards the photovoltaic modules). The leakage currents
that can occur in the AC section between the draw/feed in point and the
inverter are not detected and require an external protection device.
For protection of the AC line
, on the basis of the aforesaid with regard
to the differential protection integrated in ABB inverters,
it is not neces-
sary to install a type B ground fault interrupter
In accordance with article 712.413. of Section 712 of IEC Standard 64-8/7, we hereby
declare that, because of their construction, ABB inverters do not inject ground fault direct
The use of an AC type circuit breaker with differential thermal magnetic protection with trip-
ping current of 300 mA is advisable so as to prevent false tripping, due to the normal capaci-
tive leakage current of photovoltaic modules.
In the case of systems consisting of multiple inverters connected to a single switch with diffe-
rential protection, it is recommended to install a device that allows the adjustment of the trip
value and timing of intervention.