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5 - Installation
nvironmental checks
• Consult the technical data to check the environmental parameters to
be observed (degree of protection, temperature, humidity, altitude, etc.)
• The installation to direct sunlight must be avoid beacuse it may cause:
- phenonmena of power limitation by the inverter (with consequent reduc-
tion of energy production)
- premature aging of electronic/electromechanical components
- premature aging of mechanical components (gaskets) and user inter-
face (display)
• Do not install in small closed rooms where air cannot circulate freely.
• To avoid overheating, always make sure the flow of air around the
inverter is not blocked.
• Do not install in places where gases or flammable substances may
be present.
• Do not install in rooms where people live or where the prolonged pres
ence of people or animals is expected, because of the noise (about
45dB(A) at 1 m) that the inverter makes during operation.
• Avoid
electromagnetic interference that can compromise the correct
operation of electronic equipment, with consequent situations of danger.
The final installation of the inverter should not prevent access to any outside disconnection
Refer to the warranty conditions to evaluate the possible exclusions from warranty related to
improper installation.
nstallations above 2000 metres
On account of the rarefaction of the air (at high altitudes), particular conditions may occur that
should be considered when choosing the place of installation:
• Less efficient
cooling and therefore a greater likelihood of the device
going into derating because of high internal temperatures.
• Reduction in the dielectric resistance of the air that, in the presence of
high operating voltages (DC input), can create electric arcs (discharges)
that can reach the point of damaging the inverter.
As the altitude increases, the failure rate of some electronic components
increases exponentially because of cosmic radiation.
All installations at altitudes of over 2000 metres must be assessed case by case considering
the aforesaid criticalities.