2012981-001 rev. AB
Device Application ID
The Device/Application ID is an alphanumeric string that is up to ten characters long.
For single tube measurements, this represents the Station ID. The Station ID can be
viewed or changed in the Station Setup tab under the top-level Station ID in the tree-
Attempting to change the Device/Application ID for a single
tube will generate a dialog box that informs the user that the
action cannot be undertaken because only one tube is
3.1.2 Contract
Contract Hour can be set as 00 through 23. Changes to the contract hour will create
an event and new day period and log period records – a day skip – in the
measurement tube, historical view.
Vol Calc Period
Vol Calc Period selects the interval for calculating liquid volume. The user may select
the time duration, up to 60 minutes, from the drop-down selection. Each volume
calculated at the Vol Calc Period is accumulated over the log and day periods. This
information is stored in the log and day period historical records.
3.1.4 Log
Log Period selects the interval for logging historical records. The user may select the
time duration, up to 60 minutes, from the drop-down selection. The default value for
the log period is set to 60 minutes. A change in the log period value creates an event
record that indicates the change and causes the log period records to be logged and
time-stamped on the selected period value.
3.1.5 Sp/Dp
Sp/Dp Averaging may be either linear (default) or square root. The selection effects
the static and differential values that are recorded in the log and day period records.