SEMOD115767-25 v2
The SPA protocol V2.5 is an ASCII-based protocol for serial communication. The
communication is based on a master-slave principle, where the IED is a slave and
the PC is the master. Only one master can be applied on each fibre optic loop. A
program is required in the master computer for interpretation of the SPA-bus codes
and for translation of the data that should be sent to the IED.
For the specification of the SPA protocol V2.5, refer to SPA-bus Communication
Protocol V2.5.
Setting guidelines
M11876-3 v6
SPA, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3 use the same rear communication port. This port
can be set for SPA use on the local HMI under
Main menu /Configuration /
Communication /Station communication/Port configuration/SLM optical
serial port/PROTOCOL:1
. When the communication protocol is selected, the
IED is automatically restarted, and the port then operates as a SPA port.
The SPA communication setting parameters are set on the local HMI under
menu/Configuration/Communication/Station communication/SPA/SPA:1
The most important SPA communication setting parameters are
. They are essential for all communication contact to the IED.
can be set only on the local HMI for rear and front
channel communication.
can be set to any value between 1–899 as long as the slave number is
unique within the used SPA loop.
(communication speed) can be set
between 300–38400 baud.
should be the same for the whole station
although different communication speeds in a loop are possible. If different
communication speeds are used in the same fibre optical loop or RS485 network,
take this into account when making the communication setup in the communication
master (the PC).
With local fibre optic communication, communication speed is usually set to 19200
or 38400 baud. With telephone communication, the speed setting depends on the
quality of the connection and the type of modem used. Refer to technical data to
determine the rated communication speed for the selected communication
The IED does not adapt its speed to the actual communication
conditions because the communication speed is set on the local
Section 2
1MRK 511 418-UEN A
SPA application
650 series 2.2 IEC
Communication protocol manual