Data sets (DS) are generated automatically in PCM600. Report control blocks
(RCBs) are automatically created in PCM600 only when using templates.
If client definitions (like client. ICD) are required in the system configuration, they are merged
into IET600 and connected to the unbuffered/buffered report control blocks.
Logical nodes, which are not related to the conducting equipment, must be included in the bay
level in the substation section.
The resulting SCD file is exported from IET600.
Define the inputs for the client in IET600 and cross-reference the signals in SMT.
If input signals are not defined for clients in IET600, they will not be visible in SMT.
Inputs (GOOSE clients) can also be defined in PCM600.
Import the SCD file to PCM600 to receive GOOSE data. For each IED that shall receive GOOSE
information, the received data is connected to the applications using SMT in PCM600. To be able to
import scd-file to PCM600, 61850 engineering mode in PCM must be disabled.
Engineering concept in IEC 61850-6
GUID-FFE87459-FBC1-4D85-A6B3-7BD6F576ECE4 v3
Top-down approach means that the system engineering tool has ICD files available for each IED
to be included in the system configuration. The ICD files may be of the template type and
represent a pre-configured IED.
Bottom-up approach means that the configurations are produced by the IED tool, and that are
exported as CID, or IID files (or SCD file) to be imported into the system tools.
Client A
Client B
IEC09000151 V2 EN-US
Figure 5:
Relation between system and IED tools
Regardless of the engineering approach, the idea is that the IED tool provides the CID, ICD, or IID
file for each IED. These ICD/CID/IID files are then imported into the system tool and merged into a
SCD file, representing the complete substation or a part of the substation, like one for each voltage
Section 3
1MRK 511 441-UEN Rev. C
Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)
Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO
Communication protocol manual
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