retransmission in stable conditions (no event for a long time)
retransmission in stable conditions may be shortened by an event
shortest retransmission time after the event
T2, T3
retransmission times until achieving the stable conditions time
Time of transmission
T1 T1 T2
IEC09000152 V1 EN-US
Figure 11:
Transmission time for events (IEC 61850 part 8-1)
Each message in the retransmission sequence carries a timeAllowedToLive parameter that informs
the receiver of the maximum time to wait for the next re-transmission. If a new message is not
received within that time interval, the receiver assumes that the association is lost. The specific
intervals used by any GOOSE publisher are a local issue. The timeAllowedtoLive parameter informs
subscribers of how long to wait. The detection time of lost GOOSE is 2* timeAllowedToLive in the
subscriber. This allows one lost GOOSE message and to cope with possible transmission delays in
the network.
The GOOSE message concept is used for all application functions where two or more IEDs are
involved. Typical example is the station-wide interlocking procedure or breaker failure protection.
shows the GOOSE concept for three IEDs which interchange GOOSE messages between
each other.
To send GOOSE messages a GoCB must be defined and a data set is needed that contains the data
objects of single data attributes to be sent.
A GOOSE message is forced to be transmitted when a trigger change is detected for a data attribute.
All members of the data set are copied in the send buffer with their actual value and the message is
sent. The subscribers, who knows the address of this GOOSE message, receives the telegram. The
GOOSE message includes a sequence number to verify that all messages are received.
ALGOS Configuration
The configuration of ALGOS is performed after the completion of GOOSE communication. This can
either be in a system configuration tool or in PCM600. For PCM600 configuration see the
. If a system configuration tool is used, the configuration is imported together with the
SCD file.
To get the supervision working, the
attribute must be set correct to the sending IEDs
control block.
The identification of ALGOS supervised GOOSE communication is done with the
and not by the instance number of the ALGOS instances.
Section 6
1MRK 511 441-UEN Rev. C
Data sets and control blocks
Switchgear control unit SAM600-IO
Communication protocol manual
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