1 Overview
PCS100 ESS User Manual | 2UCD190000E001 rev. J
1 Overview
In today’s power systems energy storage devices such as new generation batteries, flywheels and super capacitors provide
the opportunity to store energy from the electricity grid and return it when required. This offers a huge range of options to
strengthen and enhance the performance, quality and reliability of smart electricity grids. Providing the grid connect inter-
face for all types of energy storage devices, the PCS100 ESS is the perfect solution to connect such energy storage devices
to the grid.
The PCS100 ESS is based on a LV converter platform especially developed for power quality issues and characterized by
wide bandwidth performance and great flexibility thanks to its modular power electronic configuration. It offers two main
modes of operation, namely Current Source mode and Virtual Generator mode, which enables the PCS100 ESS to cover a
wide range of applications and power system requirements. Both modes offer independent control of both real power (P)
and reactive power (Q) providing the highest possible flexibility to the operator. In addition, advanced control features in the
Virtual Generator mode allow the PCS100 ESS to emulate generator behavior and thus to interact with the power system in
the same way as a traditional synchronous machine. Such behavior is achieved purely through power electronic control and
there are no large spinning masses.
In case the grid supply is lost the system can be set to shut down according to anti-islanding standards or to operate in is-
land mode, where the PCS100 ESS operates disconnected from the main grid but continues to supply local loads. When
operating in island mode, the PCS100 ESS can automatically re-synchronize the islanded network with the main grid, allow-
ing a seamless transfer back to grid connect mode.
1.1 User Benefits
Supports power system load levelling and thus helps defer network and generation investment
Increases network stability and transmission capacity and thus facilitates increased use of renewables
Delivers grid compliance for renewable and other generation systems
Damps disturbances and oscillations in critical system configurations
Modular design for highest availability
Based on LV converter platform especially developed for power quality issues
1.2 Features
Modular design providing high reliability and typically 30 minutes mean time to repair (MTTR)
Grid fault detection
Islanding and anti-islanding options
Ratings from 100 kVA to 4000 kVA and voltages from 150 Vac to 480 Vac
Allows a range of energy storage devices to be coupled to the grid
Dynamic real power control (P)
Dynamic reactive power control (Q)
Generator emulating control mode
Grid stabilization features including synthetic inertia and active damping
Low voltage ride through (LVRT)
Voltage and frequency dynamic envelope/regulation functions
Voltage clamping for reactive power grid support
Black start option
1.3 Applications
Integration of renewable energy (to meet grid codes regarding LVRT, ZVRT)
Load levelling for optimized generation utilization
Spinning reserve in case of line loss
Frequency regulation
Peak shaving (end user)
Micro grids, Islanding and Anti-Islanding