PGX 10 0 A N D PA X 10 0 |
P R E SSU R E T R A N SM I T T ER S | O I/P G X /PA X 10 0 - EN R E V. C
Mounting the transmitter
Transmitter factory configuration consideration
The PGX100 and PAX100 pressure transmitter in your hands has
been factory calibrated to reflect the published declared
performance specification; no further calibration is required in
normal condition. ABB typically configures PGX100 and PAX100
pressure transmitters according to the user requirements. A
typical configuration includes:
• TAG number
• Calibrated span
• Output linearization
• LCD display configuration
Hazardous area considerations
The transmitter must be installed in hazardous area only if it is
properly certified. The certification plate is permanently fixed
on the housing of the transmitter. Transmitter can have the
following certifications:
• ATEX Europe (code HAM) approval
• IECEx (code HJM) approval
• Combined CSA (code HCM) approvals (US and Canada)
• Combined ATEX Europe, IECEx, CSA (US and Canada)
approvals (code HMM)
For installations according to Canada and US Approvals, see
also control drawing DH3275.
See relevant paragraph for complete markings details.
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
Devices with PS >200
Devices with a permissible pressure PS >200 bar have been
subject to a conformity validation. The data label includes the
following specifications: Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
Devices with PS
Devices with a permissible pressure PS
200 bar correspond
to article 4 paragraph 3. They have not been subject to a
conformity validation. These instruments were designed and
manufactured according to SEP Sound Engineering Practices.