PGX 10 0 A N D PA X 10 0 |
P R E SSU R E T R A N SM I T T ER S | O I/P G X /PA X 10 0 - EN R E V. C
Pressure sensor ventilation (PGX100 only)
Transmitter has a reference port vented to the atmosphere and duly protected. Care must be taken to avoid obstruction of the port
(i.e. covered, dirty) as it can affect the measurement.
Closing the housing cover
Transmitter cover needs to be tightly closed to ensure that the IP rating performances are granted.
Ensure that housing threads, cover threads and gaskets are free from dirt and not damaged or deformed.
Place the cover O-ring into its seat and position the cover to match housing threads.
Close the cover ensuring that a 30/35 Nm tightening torque is applied.
Cover ending position has to be almost in a metal-to-metal position with the housing.
Figure 10 - Housing cover closing