or Data Object. The following data types can be logged in the Historian: Process Objects:
binary input (BI), binary output (BO), double binary input (DB), digital input (DI), digital
output (DO), analog input (AI), analog output (AO), pulse counter (PC), Data Objects
with numerical value.
Historian logs the raw data (all updates) from the sources during 8 days. The raw data
is then refined into long term storage like 1 minute average, 2 minute maximum, 1 hour
minimum, etc.
Visualisation of the logged and refined data is done by means of various graphs and
tables. The graphs can be freely configured in terms of graphical representation, axes
types and orientation, update rates, etc. The numerical tables are utilising Microsoft
Excel and provides flexible configuration and data manipulation possibilities.
Figure 3.10: An example of Historian graphs
User management
Users of the system are given access rights according to the needs. The user sessions
can be limited in time. The users can be given the right to view, control, or configure
the different parts of the system or process.
MicroSCADA Pro
SYS 600C 2.93
Product Guide