MegaFlex 1000 to 1600
UPS User Manual / REV-A
During the first commissioning MegaFlex 1000 to 1600 requests a set-up of the UPS configuration parameters
presented in the following “Power-Up” screen.
Without such configuration it is not possible to continue with the commissioning procedure.
The set-up of the UPS configuration parameters must be done only by an ABB Service Technician!
The set-up of mistaken values could compromise the integrity and reliability of the UPS!
This parameter allows the choice of language used to display the information.
Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
You can adjust the date of the real time clock existing in the UPS by the means of
this parameter.
The value you enter is thoroughly checked to be a correct date in the format
Time (24h)
You can adjust the time of the real time clock existing in the UPS by means of this
The value you enter is thoroughly checked to be a correct time in the format
The time is specified in 24-hour format.
Input Frequency
Frequency value of the Rectifier input Utility (50 Hz / 60Hz).
Output Frequency
Inverter output frequency value (50 Hz / 60Hz).
Inverter Voltage
Output voltage PHASE/PHASE of the Inverter (480V).