MegaFlex 1000 to 1600
UPS User Manual / REV-A
Fig. 4-1 MegaFlex 1000 to 1600
MegaFlex 1000 to 1600 is one of
the best performing and most
reliable three-phase UPS
systems providing critical power
protection for a wide range of
Every MegaFlex 1000 to 1600
system operates in VFI mode
(Voltage Frequency
Independent) yielding the
maximum levels of power
reliability for all mission-critical
With proven technology the MegaFlex 1000 to 1600 UPS provides top class reliability and performance.
With Back-feed Protection and compliance to EMC standards the MegaFlex 1000 to 1600 complies to current
Reliability can be further increased by paralleling up to six UPS units utilizing ABB’s unique RPA™ technology
(Redundant Parallel Architecture).
With RPA every UPS is controlled in a true peer-to-peer con
guration with redundancy in all critical elements and
functions, eliminating all single points of failure.
The decentralized bypass offers great
exibility to up or down grade the system in case future needs might
MegaFlex 1000 to 1600, best in class efficiency
High efficiency in double conversion mode up to 96.0/96.3% and eBoost™ operation mode up to 99.0%.
High efficiency at partial and reduced loads for cost benefits in operating conditions.
Higher efficiency at partial load in RPA Systems with adaptive capacity control.
MegaFlex 1000 to 1600 products designed in compliance with UL 1779 standard, C3 level for immunity, i.e. can
withstand possible disturbances and noise without affecting standard operating conditions.
Advanced User Interface with touch screen display guided menu.
Reduced energy consumption costs.
Reduced size and costs of the air conditioning system.
Compact design, saving installation space.
Through their complete life cycle, all ABB UPS Systems are fully supported by service teams which
provide world-class, 24x7 preventive and corrective services, training and application expertise.