38/40 - 647016/002 M3650 - 2000/05/24
11. Indications for handling
apparatus with SF6
SF6 in its pure state is an odourless, colourless, non-toxic gas
with a density about six times higher than air.
For this reason, although it does not have any specific physi-
ological effects, it can produce the effects caused by lack of
oxygen in ambients saturated with SF6.
During the interruption phase of the circuit-breaker, an electric
arc is produced which decomposes a very small amount of
SF6. The decomposition products remain inside the poles and
are absorbed by special substances which act as molecular
The probability of contact with decomposed SF6 is extremely
remote, and its presence in small quantities (1-3 ppm) is
immediately noticeable because of its sour and unpleasant
smell. In this case, the room must be aired before anybody
enters it.
11. Indica
tii pentru manipularea
aparatelor cu SF6
SF6 este un gaz pur, fara miros, fara culoare, netoxic, cu o
densitate de sase ori mai mare decat cea a aerului.
Din acest motiv, desi acesta nu are nici un efect psihologic,
poate cauza lispa oxigenului intr-un mediu bocat de SF6.
In timpul procesului de intrerupere, arcul electric produce
descompunerea unei mici cantitati de SF6.Produsele rezultate
in urma descompunerii raman in interiorul polului si sunt
absorbite de o substanta speciala care actioneaza ca o
sita moleculara.
Probabilitatea de a intra in contact cu SF6 descompus este foarte
mica, si prezenta in cantitati foarte mici (1-3 ppm) este imediat
observata deoarece miroase neplacut si are un gust acru.
In acest caz camera trebuie aerisita inainte ca orice persoana
sa intre acolo.
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