EIB Delta-Meter
Electricity Meters
ABB i-bus
The sending interval of the EIB Delta-Meter is defined in the “General”
parameter window.
Transmission delay:
To prevent any possible communication problems due
to the simultaneous transmission of meter data, e.g., in installations where
several EIB Delta-Meters are used and/or where communication takes place
via area or line couplers, it is possible to send the telegrams of different
meters with a time delay using the parameter “Transmission delay”. The
delay influences the sending of the following telegrams: “Meter reading”,
“Fault” and “Status byte”.
If “no” is selected, telegrams are sent without a delay via the ABB i-bus
i.e., telegrams are sent immediately after a meter reading request via the
communication object “Request meter reading” is received or after a change
in the fault status of the EIB Delta-Meter (if selected).
If “yes” is selected, information is sent after each meter reading request or
change in the fault status via the ABB i-bus
EIB once a set period T
elapsed. The transmission delay T
(tolerance ±1.5%) is produced from the
set values:
Transmission delay T
= “Device number” x “Base delay time”.
In this way, it is possible to assemble groups of EIB Delta-Meters (up to 128
per group) with the same base delay time. A number is assigned to each of
the Delta-Meters in the group using the parameter “Device number”. In the
event of a simultaneous meter reading request via the communication object
“Request meter reading”, the meters send their values in sequence
according to their device number via the ABB i-bus
If the options “Transmission delay” and “Send cyclically” are activated at the
same time, the sending of the meter reading telegrams is only delayed once
directly after a reset, bus voltage recovery or after a tariff change, i.e., after
each of these events, the meter waits until the set transmission delay T
elapsed until it starts to send the telegrams cyclically. With each subsequent
transmission, only the cyclic time is observed since the meters are already
sending with a time delay with respect to one another.
Parameter window: General
Default settings are highlighted