Station Automation
Product version: 3.4
1MRS756764 B
the web HMI of COM600 limiting the number
of visible parameters to the ones that are
considered important for the user. Changes in
the settings require that the user has engi-
neering or administrator rights in COM600.
4. Event and alarm lists
Events and alarms are identified by date,
time, bay, device, object description or status.
Furthermore, the events and alarms can be
automatically filtered according to voltage
level or bay criteria. Maximum memory ca-
pacity is 65535 events. First-in, first-out logic
is used for overwriting events. The user can
export an event list to a .csv file for further
analysis. COM600 supports printing of events
to an Event Printer for long time archiving.
5. Disturbance record
COM600 automatically downloads distur-
bance records from the connected IEDs. The
disturbance records are saved in the stand-
ard COMTRADE format. In-depth analysis
is enabled using ABB’s Wineve software or
any other commercially available disturbance
record analyzer supporting the COMTRADE
format. Downloading of disturbance records
requires use of the IEC 61850-8-1 communi-
cation protocol.
6. Data historian
The COM600 data historian is a real-time
database designed and optimized for process
information management and extensive his-
tory recording. The data historian is based on
ABB’s cpmPlus Knowledge Manager software.
It combines the benefits of an easy-to-use
real-time database with industrial reliability,
performance, and real-time functionality to
provide an excellent platform for process
information management. The data historian
can be used for accurate process perform-
ance monitoring by following process and
equipment performance calculations with
real-time and history values. Better under-
standing of the process behaviour by join-
ing time-based process measurements with
production and maintenance events helps
Ethernet switch
serial links 1 - 8
link 1
link 8
Ethernet switch
Fig. 4 Application example