| EL EC T R O M AG N E T I C FLO W M E T ER T R A N SM I T T ER | O I/FE T4 0 0 - EN R E V. D
Other errors/required action
Table 10 Other errors/required action
Error displayed
Corrective action
Not enough power to operate flowmeter
Connect the flowmeter to power source
(battery/AC mains/renewable).
Flowmeter has stopped working due to no
Connect the flowmeter to power source
(battery/AC mains/renewable) and wait for 5
mins for the flowmeter to recover.
Remote sensor not connected.
Connect a remote ABB sensor or, if already
connected, check wiring.
This error condition is shown briefly after
product restart only. To check the condition has
cleared, reset the flowmeter using Velox and
check for this error display.
Contact ABB Service.
Some configuration settings are out-of-range.
Contact ABB Service.
Contact ABB Service.
Application program CRC check failed. Reset the
transmitter using Velox.
If this alarm occurs again contact ABB Service.
Self check to OIML R49 Type P (Permanent)
This indicates the flowmeter has failed
continuous self checking. This can be for
multiple reasons.
Check that the MID switch is in the lock position
Use the Velox diagnostics screen for further
information on the cause of the self check
9 Legacy support
AquaMaster4 is compatible with legacy AquaMaster remote
Isolate the legacy transmitter from power supplies
before performing this procedure.
For AquaMaster4 450 transmitters ensure that it is
backward compatible (Ensure optional code NFL is
selected while ordering).
Be aware that there are differences in protocol for
data transfer between AquaMaster 3 and AquaMaster
4 450 transmitter (refer Datasheet or page 59, 60 for
more details).
The Data exchange format are different between
AquaMaster 3 and AquaMaster 4 450 transmitters
(refer Datasheet or page 59, 60 for more details).
Refer to the installation requirements/instructions on page
12 to 15 and install the AquaMaster4 transmitter in a
suitable location.
Remove the grounding connection from the AquaMaster3
transmitter and connect it to AquaMaster4 – see page 22
and page 23.
Make power supply connections (internal batteries/mains/
renewable) as shown on page 24 and page 25.
Disconnect the remote sensor connections from
AquaMaster3 and make connections to AquaMaster4 as
shown on page 29, Figure 44 or Figure 45.
Open the Velox phone/tablet productivity app and perform a
system reboot: (Configuration > Firmware Information >
Reboot System). Once AquaMaster4 has rebooted, all
flowmeter-specific parameters are read automatically. No
further inputs are required to operate the legacy sensor with
the new AquaMaster4.
Configuration changes can be made as detailed from page
50 to page 55.