Manual for High Voltage Process Performance Motors
Installation and Alignment - 15
3BFP 000 063 R0101 REV D
Chapter 3 Installation and Alignment
3.1 General
Good planning and preparation result in simple and correct installation and assure safe running
conditions and maximum accessibility.
Standards relating to the connection and use of electrical apparatus in hazardous areas must be
taken into consideration, especially national standards for installation (see standard
IEC 60079-14).
NOTE: General, as well as local work safety instructions must be followed during installation.
NOTE: Ensure the protection of the machine while working nearby.
NOTE: Do not use the machine as a welding earth.
3.2 Foundation design
3.2.1 General
The design of the foundation should assure safe running conditions with maximum accessibility.
Sufficient free space should be left around the machine to ensure easy access for maintenance
and monitoring. The cooling air should flow to and away from the machine without obstruction.
Care has to be taken to ensure that other machines or equipment nearby do not heat the machine
cooling air or constructions such as bearings.
The foundation must be strong, rigid, flat and free from external vibration. The possibility of
machine resonance with the foundation has to be verified. In order to avoid resonance vibrations
with the machine, the natural frequency of the foundation together with machine must not be
within a ±20% range of the running speed frequency.
A concrete foundation is preferred, however, a correctly designed steel construction is also
acceptable. The anchorage to the foundation, the provision of air, water, oil and cable channels
as well as the location of the grouting holes should be considered prior to construction. The
position of the grouting holes and the height of the foundation must agree with the
corresponding dimensions on the provided dimensional drawing.
The foundation shall be designed to permit 2 mm (0.8 inch) shim plates under the feet of the
machine in order to ensure an adjustment margin, and facilitate the possible future installation
of a replacement machine. Machine shaft height and foundation feet location have a certain
manufacturing tolerance, which are compensated with the 2 mm (0.8 inch) shim plate.
NOTE: The calculation and design of the foundation is not included in the ABB scope of
supply and the customer or a third party is therefore responsible for it. Furthermore, the
grouting operation is also normally outside the scope and responsibility of ABB.