Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
5 Operation and service / 5.4 Flexible turbocharger cut-out
© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.
January 2020
Flexible turbocharger cut-out
If the load is low, an engine which is charged by multiple turbochargers can be operated with
one turbocharger switched off. The flexible switch-on or switch-off of a turbocharger is re-
ferred to as a "flexible turbocharger cut-out". In flexible systems, slide valves or flaps are in-
stalled by the enginebuilder before the gas inlet and after the air outlet of the turbocharger.
Depending on the version of the system, the turbocharger can be switched off or on manu-
ally or automatically. In all cases, you must observe the enginebuilder's recommendations.
The lubricating oil supply of the switched-off turbocharger must not be switched off due to
the engine vibrations. To ensure that there are no oil or gas leaks on the switched off tur-
bocharger, it must be supplied with external sealing air.
The turbocharger may only be switched on or off while the engine is stopped or in idle mode.
Flexible turbocharger cut out
Improper manipulations can result in inadmissible turbocharger speeds
which can lead to serious damage to property with grave consequences.
The air outlet flap and gas inlet flap must be completely open during nor-
mal operation.
During cut out operation, the air outlet flap and gas inlet flap must be
completely closed.
Manual switching of the flaps
If the gas inlet flap is opened during cut-out operation or the air-outlet flap
is closed during normal operation, this causes very high turbocharger
speeds. These can result in damage with serious consequences or even a
total loss of the turbocharger.
Never open the gas inlet flap during cut-out operation.
Never close the air-outlet flap during normal operation.
Automatic switching of the flaps
During automatic flap control, there is a risk of the turbocharger rotating
opposite the intended direction of rotation if the air-outlet flap is open fur-
ther than the gas inlet flap during the switching process. This can lead to
damage on the turbocharger.
The turbocharger should only be switched on or off below charging pres-
sures of 0.3 bar.
Close the compressor outlet flap just before the gas inlet flap.
Contamination with closed flaps
To limit the contamination deposits when operating with closed flaps, we recommend you
open them at least every 500 hours of operation.