| 0073-1-7520
— 5 —
P os: 20 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Übe rsch rifte n ( --> Fü r alle Doku mente < -- )/1. E bene /M - O/ Montage / Installatio n @ 18\ mod_13 0261396 611 1_1 cx @ 1 03373 @ 1 @ 1
P os: 21 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Siche rheit (- -> Fü r alle D okument e <--) /W ar nhinweis e/Siche rheit - Nie ders pan nungs- und 230 V -Leitung en @ 18\ mod_13 026 178 214 91_1 5.d ocx @ 103 465 @ @ 1
Electric voltage!
Dangerous currents flow through the body when coming into direct or indirect contact with live
This can result in electric shock, burns or even death.
Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or disassembly!
Permit work on the 110-240 V supply system to be performed only by specialist staff!
P os: 22 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Siche rheit (- -> Fü r alle D okument e <--) /W ar nhinweis e/Siche rheit - Fachkenn tnisse @ 18 \mod_1 302 774 384 017_ 15. docx @ 10 356 4 @ 2 @ 1
Requirements for the electrician
Electric voltage!
Install the device only if you have the necessary electrical engineering knowledge and experience.
Incorrect installation endangers your life and that of the user of the electrical system.
Incorrect installation can cause serious damage to property, such as a fire.
The minimum necessary expert knowledge and requirements for the installation are as follows:
Apply the "five safety rules" (DIN VDE 0105, EN 50110):
Disconnect from power.
Secure against being re-connected.
Ensure there is no voltage.
Connect to earth.
Cover or barricade adjacent live parts.
Use suitable personal protective clothing.
Use only suitable tools and measuring devices.
Check the type supply network (TN system, IT system, TT system) to secure the following
power supply conditions (classic connection to ground, protective earthing, necessary
additional measures, etc.).
P os: 23 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/In halt/K NX /Do orE nt ry/M onta ge/ Mont agehinweis e - A llg emei n @ 1 9\m od_ 131 056 367047 8_15.docx @ 1077 43 @ 2 @ 1
General installation instructions
Terminate all branches of the wiring system via a connected bus device (e.g., indoor station, outdoor station,
system device).
Do not install the system controller directly next to the bell transformer and other power supplies (to avoid
Do not install the wires of the system bus together with 230 V wires.
Do not use common cables for the connecting wires of the door openers and wires of the system bus.
Avoid bridges between different cable types.
Use only two wires for the system bus in a four-core or multi-core cable.
When looping, never install the incoming and outgoing bus inside the same cable.
Never install the internal and external bus inside the same cable.
P os: 24 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Steu er mod ule - Onlin e-Dokume ntati on ( -- > F ür alle Dokume nte <- -)/ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ S eitenumb ruch + +++ ++ ++ +++ + @ 9\m od_126 8898668 093 _0. docx @ 521 49 @ @ 1