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According to ATEX Directive (European Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994) and relative European Standards which can
assure compliance with Essential Safety Requirements, i.e., EN 60079-0 (General requirements) EN 60079-1 (Flameproof
enclosures "d") EN 60079-11 (Intrinsic safety “i”) EN 60079-26 (Equipments, group II, category 1G), the field indicator of
the 600T EN SERIES model 695FI have been certified for the following group, categories, media of dangerous atmosphere,
temperature classes, types of protection. Examples of application are also shown below by simple sketches.
a) Certificate ATEX II
Category 1 equipment for Zone 0 (Gas) and Zone 20 (Dust)
For Category 1 Stainless Steel enclosure only
II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 T5 Ga (-40°C<Ta<+40°C)
II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-40°C<Ta<+85°C)
II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T50°C Da (-40°C<Ta<+40°C)
II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T95°C Da (-40°C<Ta<+85°C)
Category 2 equipment for Zone 1 (Gas) and Zone 21 (Dust)
For Category 2 aluminium alloy or alternatively Stainless Steel enclosure
II 2 G Ex ia IIC T6 T5 Gb (-40°C<Ta<+40°C)
II 2 G Ex ia IIC T4 Gb (-40°C<Ta<+85°C)
II 2 D Ex ia IIIC T50°C Db (-40°C<Ta<+40°C)
II 2 D Ex ia IIIC T95°C Db (-40°C<Ta<+85°C)
CESI certificate number 01ATEX015
The meaning of ATEX code is as follows:
II :
Group for surface areas (not mines)
1 or 2: Category
G :
Gas (dangerous media)
D :
Dust (dangerous media)
T50°C: Maximum surface temperature of the indicator enclosure with a Ta (ambient temperature) +40°C for
Dust (not Gas) with a dust layer up to 50 mm depth.
T95°C: As before for Dust for a Ta +85°C
Note: the number close to the CE marking of the indicator safety label identifies the Notified Body which
carries out the surveillance for the production of the indicator.
The other marking refers to the protection type used according to relevant EN standards:
Ex ia :
Intrinsic safety, protection level “a”
Gas group
Temperature class of the transmitter (which corresponds to 135°C max)
with a Ta from -50°C to +85°C
Temperature class of the transmitter (which corresponds to 100°C max)
with a Ta from -50°C to +40°C
Temperature class of the transmitter (which corresponds to 85°C max)
with a Ta from -50°C to +40°C
About the applications, this indicator can be used in “Zone 0” or "Zone1" (Gas) and "Zone 20" or "Zone 21" (Dust)
classified areas (continuous hazard) as it is shown on the following sketch:
Zone "0"
mod. 695FI
category 1G
category 2G
(Ex ia)
Zone "20"
Application with Gas
Application with Dust
mod. 695FI
category 1D
category 2D
(Ex ia)
Zone "1"
Zone "21"