for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11 / Cortex)
User Manual
© Copyright 1997-2014 by ABATRON AG Switzerland
V 1.21
SWO port baudrate
Only supported in Serial Wire Mode!
When this line is present, a TCP/IP channel is routed to the Serial Wire
Output (SWO/SWV). The port parameter defines the TCP port used for
this BDI to host communication. You may choose any port except 0 and
the default Telnet port (23). If an even port number is used (raw mode),
the BDI sends all data received via SWO in hexadecimal format to the
host. For an odd port number (ASCII mode), the bytes received in the
range 4 to 127 are directly forwared to the host, all other bytes are discard-
ed. On the host, open a Telnet session using this port. Now you should
see the Serial Wire Output in this Telnet session.
The TCP/IP port used for the host communication.
The BDI2000 supports 2400 ... 115200 baud and
122kb, 130kb, 139kb, 149kb, 160kb, 174kb, 189kb,
208kb, 232kb, 260kb, 298kb, 347kb, 417kb, 520kb
SWO 8023 260000 ;map ASCII SWO to odd port 8023
SWO 8020 260000 ;map raw SWO to even port 8020
Daisy chained JTAG devices:
For ARM targets, the BDI can also handle systems with multiple devices connected to the JTAG scan
chain. In order to put the other devices into BYPASS mode and to count for the additional bypass
registers, the BDI needs some information about the scan chain layout. Enter the number (count) and
total instruction register (irlen) length of the devices present before the ARM chip (Predecessor). En-
ter the appropriate information also for the devices following the ARM chip (Successor):
SCANPRED count irlen
This value gives the BDI information about JTAG devices present before
the ARM chip in the JTAG scan chain.
The number of preceding devices
The sum of the length of all preceding instruction regis-
ters (IR).
SCANPRED 1 8 ; one device with an IR length of 8
SCANSUCC count irlen This value gives the BDI information about JTAG devices present after the
ARM chip in the JTAG scan chain.
The number of succeeding devices
The sum of the length of all succeeding instruction reg-
isters (IR).
SCANSUCC 2 12 ; two device with an IR length of 8+4
For Serial Wire Mode, the following parameters are not relevant, have no function: