Appendix A. Using Virtual COM
Virtual COM
driver mode for windows converts COM port data (RS232) to IP data to control the RS-232C
port on a STW-602C over the IP network. By creating Virtual COM ports on the PC, Virtual COM redirects
the communications from the Virtual COM ports to an IP address and port number on a STW-602C which
connected to the serial devices. The following figure is Virtual COM connection diagram.
Fig 67. Setup of a Virtual COM driver
A.1. Pre-installation Requirements
Please check the operating system on your PC complied with the following requirements:
Processor: Intel-compatible, Pentium class
Operation system: Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or
later, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95, Microsoft NT/2000 Terminal Server, Citrix Meta
Windows Installer 2.0
Network: Microsoft TCP/IP networking software
A.2. Applying to the STW-602C
Virtual COM driver provides user to select up to
256 COM ports
as Virtual COM ports in a SerialManager
Utility PC. User can select them from a list of COM ports, which is from COM1 up to COM256.
Make sure you have turned off all anti-virus software before beginning the installation. Run Vcom.exe
program included in the CD to install Virtual COM for your operating system.