4.6.2. WLAN Region
Operation: System->WLAN Region
Click on the “
WLAN Region
” link and the following screen shall appear (
Fig. 34
Fig 34. Time service settings from System web page
Select the country from drop-down list box to country that user wants to implement the STW-602C. This
selection will be effected to the bands of channel of STW-602C wireless mode. For example, the normal
system level channel configurations for deployments are channels 1, 6 and 11 for FCC countries and 1, 5, 9
and 13 for European Union countries
4.6.3. Security (change the Password)
Operation: System->Security
Click on the “
” link and the following screen shall appear (
Fig. 35
Enter the old password on “
Old Password
” field then enter the new password on “
New Password
” and the
Verified Password
” fields, and then click on “
Save Configuration
” to update the password. The maximum
is 8 characters.
Fig 35. Change password from System Security Page
Note: User may press the default reset key to reset password to the default value(blank)