7.2 Drive on level ground / overcoming obstacles
Set in neutral position (see
chapter 6.4).
» Retract climbers completely.
Pull the CR2304 carefully
backwards against curbs/
obstacles if you want to
overcome them.
To drive on level ground push
CR2304 forward.
NOTE - Climbers may not be extended because they could become damaged!
NOTE - Always retract climbers completely when overcoming curbs/obstacles to avoid damage.
Always cross the curbs/obstacles backwards!
7.3 Tilting the stair climbing system
WARNING - Always tilt the CR2304 when driving on slopes or during the climbing process!
Put your foot on the
housing and tilt the CR2304
slightly towards you.
» The stair climber has to be
» If there is neither pressure
nor tension noticeable at
the handles, the CR2304 is
balanced correctly.
The CR2304 can be moved.
» If you tilt the CR2304
further or too much, the
safety brakes engage and
the CR2303 can‘t be moved
forward any more.
If you are not able to tilt
the CR2304 independently,
use the climbers as a
tipping aid
» Turn on the CR2304.
» Press the UP/DOWN
switch direction UP until
the main wheels are
raised by approx. 1-2 cm.
» Tilt the CR2304.
(Illustration 1)
» Then retract the clim-
bers completely.
» Move the CR2304.
(Illustration 2)